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Kirje Python Programming Module for Non-specialized Schools as an Introduction to IT(Tartu Ülikool, 2024) Dorokhov, Mykhailo; Lepp, Marina, juhendaja; Bardone, Emanuele, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutThis thesis describes the motivation behind, the emergence, and the subsequent evolution of the IT module, a set of three courses designed by the author, that has been running as an elective module in Tartu Annelinna Gümnaasium since 2020. The module combines Python programming language learning and project-based teamwork, serves as an introduction to the IT industry and provides career guidance for school students by presenting them the possibilities to study Computer Science at the University of Tartu. The aim of the thesis is to present a motivation that led to the creation of a new elective module in the school, describe how it’s integrated into the state and the school’s curriculum, break down course structure, explore the discovered teaching techniques, and reflect on the continuous improvements that the 4 iterations of the module have experienced. As a result, the best-suiting digital learning environment setup (Discord, Replit, Notion), a set of effective teaching techniques (pop-culture references, analogies, real-life-inspired homework and incremental learning) and events (guest lessons, “Chasing Unicorns” movie session, the University of Tartu Delta center visit and Pipedrive office visit with pizza party for the high-achievers), as well as a well-structured sequence of topics, has been established and described. The module’s mate-rials are shared via a public link for fellow teachers and researchers.