Sirvi Autor "Karro, Helle" järgi
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Kirje A molecular tool for menstrual cycle phase dating of endometrial samples in endometriosis transcriptome studies(2019) Saare, Merli; Merli, Triin; Teder, Hindrek; Paluoja, Priit; Palta, Priit; Koel, Mariann; Kirss, Fred; Karro, Helle; Sõritsa, Deniss; Salumets, Andres; Krjutškov, Kaarel; Peters, MaireTranscriptome profiling of 57 endometrial receptivity genes specifies the menstrual cycle phase of endometrial samples.Kirje Differentially-Expressed miRNAs in Ectopic Stromal Cells Contribute to Endometriosis Development: The Plausible Role of miR-139-5p and miR-375(2018) Rekker, Kadri; Tasa, Tõnis; Saare, Merli; Samuel, Külli; Kadastik, Ülle; Karro, Helle; Götte, Martin; Salumets, Andres; Peters, MairemicroRNA (miRNA) expression level alterations between endometrial tissue and endometriotic lesions indicate their involvement in endometriosis pathogenesis. However, as both endometrium and endometriotic lesions consist of different cell types in various proportions, it is not clear which cells contribute to variability in miRNA levels and the overall knowledge about cell-type specific miRNA expression in ectopic cells is scarce. Therefore, we utilized fluorescence-activated cell sorting to isolate endometrial stromal cells from paired endometrial and endometrioma biopsies and combined it with high-throughput sequencing to determine miRNA alterations in endometriotic stroma. The analysis revealed 149 abnormally expressed miRNAs in endometriotic lesions, including extensive upregulation of miR-139-5p and downregulation of miR-375 compared to eutopic cells. miRNA transfection experiments in the endometrial stromal cell line ST-T1b showed that the overexpression of miR-139-5p resulted in the downregulation of homeobox A9 (HOXA9) and HOXA10 expression, whereas the endothelin 1 (EDN1) gene was regulated by miR-375. The results of this study provide further insights into the complex molecular mechanisms involved in endometriosis pathogenesis and demonstrate the necessity for cell-type-specific analysis of ectopic tissues to understand the interactions between different cell populations in disease onset and progression.Kirje Eesti meditsiiniline sünniregister 1992-2012. Eesti meditsiiniline abordiregister 1996-2012.(2013) Allvee, Kärt; Karro, Helle; Tervise Arengu InstituutKirje Eesti meditsiiniline sünniregister 1992-2013. Eesti Abordiregister 1996-2013(Tallinn, 2014) Allvee, Kärt; Karro, Helle; Tervise Arengu InstituutKirje Eesti Meditsiiniline Sünniregister 1992-2015. Eesti Abordiregister 1996-2015. Estonian Medical Birth Registry 1992-2015. Estonian Abortion Registrt 1996-2015(2016) Allvee, Kärt; Karro, Helle; Tervise Arengu InstituutKirje Eesti Meditsiiniline Sünniregister 1992-2016. Eesti Abordiregister 1996-2016. Estonian Medical Birth Registry 1992-2016. Estonian Abortion Registry 1996-2016(2017) Allvee, Kärt; Karro, Helle; Tervise Arengu InstituutKirje Eesti naiste tervis 2014: seksuaal-ja reproduktiivtervis, tervisekäitumine, hoiakud ja tervishoiuteenuste kasutamine: uurimisaruanne(Tartu, 2015) Lippus, Hedda; Laanpere, Made; Part, Kai; Ringmets, Inge; Rahu, Mati; Haldre, Kai; Allvee, Kärt; Karro, Helle; Tartu Ülikool. NaistekliinikKirje Eesti naiste tervis: seksuaal-ja reproduktiivtervis, tervisekäitumine, hoiakud ja tervishoiuteenuste kasutamine: uurimisaruanne(Tartu, 2007) Part, Kai; Laanpere, Made; Rahu, Kaja; Haldre, Kai; Rahu, Mati; Karro, Helle; Tartu Ülikool. NaistekliinikKirje High-throughput mRNA sequencing of stromal cells from endometriomas and endometrium(2017) Rekker, Kadri; Saare, Merli; Eriste, Elo; Tasa, Tõnis; Kukuškina, Viktorija; Roost, Anne Mari; Anderson, Kristi; Samuel, Kadri; Karro, Helle; Salumets, Andres; Peters, MaireThe aetiology of endometriosis is still unclear and to find mechanisms behind the disease development, it is important to study each cell type from endometrium and ectopic lesions independently. The objective of this study was to uncover complete mRNA profiles in uncultured stromal cells from paired samples of endometriomas and eutopic endometrium. High-throughput mRNA sequencing revealed over 1300 dysregulated genes in stromal cells from ectopic lesions, including several novel genes in the context of endometriosis. Functional annotation analysis of differentially expressed genes highlighted pathways related to cell adhesion, extracellular matrix–receptor interaction and complement and coagulation cascade. Most importantly, we found a simultaneous upregulation of complement system components and inhibitors, indicating major imbalances in complement regulation in ectopic stromal cells. We also performed in vitro experiments to evaluate the effect of endometriosis patients’ peritoneal fluid (PF) on complement system gene expression levels, but no significant impact of PF on C3, CD55 and CFH levels was observed. In conclusion, the use of isolated stromal cells enables to determine gene expression levels without the background interference of other cell types. In the future, a new standard design studying all cell types from endometriotic lesions separately should be applied to reveal novel mechanisms behind endometriosis pathogenesis.Kirje Praktiline kontratseptsioon(Tartu Ülikool, 2012-11-01) Laanpere, Made; Part, Kai; Karro, HelleBeSt programmi raames loodud e-kursuse läbinu E-kursuse läbinu teab, millised rasestumisvastased vahendid on olemas ja kuidas need „töötavad“, oskab välja valida rasestumisvastase meetodi lähtudes iga üksiku naise/paari vajadusest, arvestades: a. meetodi efektiivsust, b. individuaalseid riske ja hüvesid, c. täiendavat mõju elukvaliteedile, oskab nõustada võimalike probleemide korral, mis rasestumisvastaste meetoditega võivad kaasneda, oskab selgitada välja ja käsitleda vääruskumusi seoses rasestumisvastaste vahenditega.Kirje The influence of menstrual cycle and endometriosis on endometrial methylome(Clin Epigenetics, 2016-01) Saare, Merli; Modhukur, Vijayachitra; Suhorutshenko, Marina; Rajashekar, Balaji; Rekker, Kadri; Sõritsa, Deniss; Karro, Helle; Soplepmann, Pille; Sõritsa, Andrei; Lindgren, Cecilia M; Rahmioglu, Nilufer; Drong, Alexander; Becker, Christian M; Zondervan, Krina T; Salumets, Andres; Peters, MaireBACKGROUND: Alterations in endometrial DNA methylation profile have been proposed as one potential mechanism initiating the development of endometriosis. However, the normal endometrial methylome is influenced by the cyclic hormonal changes, and the menstrual cycle phase-dependent epigenetic signature should be considered when studying endometrial disorders. So far, no studies have been performed to evaluate the menstrual cycle influences and endometriosis-specific endometrial methylation pattern at the same time. RESULTS: Infinium HumanMethylation 450K BeadChip arrays were used to explore DNA methylation profiles of endometrial tissues from various menstrual cycle phases from 31 patients with endometriosis and 24 healthy women. The DNA methylation profile of patients and controls was highly similar and only 28 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) between patients and controls were found. However, the overall magnitude of the methylation differences between patients and controls was rather small (Δβ ranging from -0.01 to -0.16 and from 0.01 to 0.08, respectively, for hypo- and hypermethylated CpGs). Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the methylation data divided endometrial samples based on the menstrual cycle phase rather than diseased/non-diseased status. Further analysis revealed a number of menstrual cycle phase-specific epigenetic changes with largest changes occurring during the late-secretory and menstrual phases when substantial rearrangements of endometrial tissue take place. Comparison of cycle phase- and endometriosis-specific methylation profile changes revealed that 13 out of 28 endometriosis-specific DMRs were present in both datasets. CONCLUSIONS: The results of our study accentuate the importance of considering normal cyclic epigenetic changes in studies investigating endometrium-related disease-specific methylation patterns.