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Kirje Developing a Human-Centric Training Method to Educate High School Students on Social Engineering Techniques(Tartu Ülikool, 2025) Pohjaranta, Santeri Rikhard Artturi; Mubashar, Iqbal, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Arvutiteaduse instituutData security plays a vital role in our society. We use different tools for communication, such as social networks, emails, and phone messages. In the security of personal data, an important role play is technology, which collects and secures user data and the human who owns it. If technology helps to secure data, then the human role in the system is to hold access to their data and not give it to another person. From different papers, it could be found that the “user is the weakest link in the security chain”. This happens because of various psychological manipulations that attackers use to receive sensitive data from users or, in other words, Social Engineering. To prevent such situations, people must be taught how attackers could receive their data through such manipulations and how to not fall into an attacker's trap by creating human-centric cybersecurity training. The current solutions lack a human-centered approach and platform tailored to high school students. Therefore, this research provides information about weak social engineering spots among high school students. Using knowledge about high school students' weak social engineering skills, this research presents a game-based training program using a one-platform solution to train high school students against current social engineering techniques with which they have problems. The efficiency of the training and platform is evaluated by the results of the first and second questionnaires to provide results of changes in the social engineering knowledge and skills of high school students.