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Kirje Future Outlook and Research Ideas(Springer Cham, 2024-11-14) Lampoltshammer, Thomas J.; Leitold, Herbert; Schmidt, Carsten; Zefferer, ThomasThis chapter uses the lessons learned from technical work and piloting of the mGov4EU project, as well as experience made so far in developing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) Once-Only Technical System (OOTS) and the European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW). These are our basis, and we dare to look into the future. The two European flagship policy initiatives OOTS and EUDIW are meant to facilitate citizens’ journey through European public services but also are meant as tools to navigate private services in the Digital Single Market. It, however, would be naïve to assume that setting such complex systems into production is the end of an endeavour. We might only learn through first experience where pitfalls lie but in particular what opportunities are given that haven’t been seen before. We, therefore, give authors’ views on where this road might lead us and what research might be essential to get there. The chapter, thus, aims at anticipating what might be needed to reap the benefits of OOTS and EUDIW in a mobile world from a governance perspective, a privacy and data protection perspective, a services perspective and a mobile technologies perspective. Therefore, each section first sets the scene by outlining the status. This is followed by addressing some challenges and gives an outlook by indicating how research might address these challenges.