Cross-Border Mobile Government Services: Exploring Business Model Dynamics in mGov4EU


The mGov4EU project represents an ambitious effort to revolutionise European mobile government services. It aims to develop an ecosystem that integrates state-of-the-art digital wallet approaches within the framework of eIDAS and SDG. This initiative is pivotal in fostering a seamless interface between citizens, businesses, and public administrations, enhancing the efficiency and user experience in accessing government services. Despite its potential, the mGov4EU project confronts many challenges, including legal compliance, technical interoperability, user acceptance, and the formulation of viable and sustainable business models. These challenges are particularly pronounced in the public sector, where traditional business strategies may not align seamlessly with innovative digital service models. This chapter focuses on examining the business model aspects of the mGov4EU project. It explores the strategies and priorities of the project’s partners, particularly in the context of sustaining and scaling the project outcomes within the European framework. It reflects on decisions, as well as challenges accordingly.



mGov4EU, eIDAS, SDG, Digital government services, Business model innovation, Public sector, Interoperability, User-centric services, eIDAS, ühtne digivärav, digitaalsed avalikud teenused, ärimudeli innvotsioon, avalik sektor, koostalitlusvõime, kasutajakesksed teenused, EIDAS
