Interpersonal relationships and behaviour: moderation by functional gene variants
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Miks sattus ema otsinguil sekeldustesse just Kalevipoeg, mitte teised vennad? Kas see oli juhus või oli Kalevipojal juba sündides rohkem eelduseid mõtlematuks käitumiseks? Küllap on sarnane küsimus, kohandatuna enda perekondlikele oludele, mingil hetkel ilmunud paljude lapsevanemate pähe. Oleks küll üleliigne väita, et minu doktoritöö annab taolistele küsimusele lõpliku vastuse, kuid see panustab omapoolselt valdkonda, mis uurib inimeste käitumisviiside erinevuste põhjuseid. Seda, kas ja kuidas on käitumisviisidega seotud geenid ja keskkond. Uurisin kolme erinevat geeni. Nende kõigi puhul ilmnes, et uuritud geenide mõni või mõned genotüübid on seotud teatud käitumisviisidega – impulsiivsuse ja/või depressiivsusega. Kuid seda peamiselt juhul, kui uuritud noored kasvasid peres täis tülitsemist, vägivalda, alavääristamist või kus puudus soojus ja toetus. Näiteks olid n.ö riskigenotüübiga noored vaenulike peresuhete korral enda hinnangul väga mõtlematu käitumisviisiga. See omakorda võiks viia sarnaselt Kalevipojaga tüli tekkimiseni Soome sepaga, Saare neiu ründamiseni või muude probleemideni. Sama geeni mõne teise genotüübiga noorte mõtlematusele ei avaldanud aga peresuhted mingit mõju. Kuid mis juhtub, kui sama „riskigenotüübiga“ kaasneb toetav keskkond heade peresuhete näol? Ilmnes, et sel juhul võivad „riskigenotüübiga“ noormehed olla teistest märgatavalt kiiremad tegutsejad selleks sobilikes olukordades. Nagu näiteks vihases võitluses, tulises tapluses. Nad võivad olla ka suurema seiklusjanuga ja ekstravertsemad, mis võib neist vajaduse korral head eestvedajad teha. Naiste puhul ilmnes, et ehkki „riskigenotüüpide“ puhul kaasnes mittetoetavate peresuhete olemasoluga suurem mõtlematus, olid heade lähisuhete puhul „riskigenotüüpidega“ naistel tunduvalt madalamad depressiivsuseskoorid. Seega - olgugi, et geenid ja keskkond üksi mõjutavad vaid pisitillukest osa meie käitumisest, kasvatavad head peresuhted meist ka „riskigenotüüpide“ olemasolul suurema tõenäosusega kangeid „Kalevite poegi“. Ja tütreid.
Although development of the application of molecular genetic strategies to psychiatric genetics started in 1980s, we are still searching for a new genes associated with behavioural phenotypes or psychiatric disorders. We are still in our way towards understanding of gene-environment interplay. In this dissertation I could contribute to this field with new knowledge on gene-environment interplay within a population representative sample of adolescents and young adults. Thus, it is possible to generalize the results to healthy people and general population. I studied gene x environment interactions on behaviour within three different genes and found family relations to be an important contributor to gene-behaviour association in all three genes. Adolescents with certain genotype were more vulnerable to adverse family relations than adolescents with another genotype of the same gene. Vulnerability revelad in higher impulsivity or depressivity, that are traits associated with many psychiatric disorders. But genetically driven deficits would not have been maintained throughout evolution if they only exerted negative effects without conveying any gain of function. Our results support the notion that „vulnerability genes“ might, at times, be more appropriately conceptualized as „plasticity genes“, because they seem to make individuals more susceptible to environmental influences—for better and for worse. For example I found that in the presence of life adversity, males with a certain genotype have to pay the price in featuring higher maladaptive impulsivity and accordingly increased risk for related psychopathology. Under positive conditions, males with the same genotype display increased adaptive impulsivity and extraversion. Thus, good family relations might prevent developing traits associated with psychiatric disorders and help to reveal best traits in subjects with malleable genotype, although single gene x environment effect on behavior is very small.
Although development of the application of molecular genetic strategies to psychiatric genetics started in 1980s, we are still searching for a new genes associated with behavioural phenotypes or psychiatric disorders. We are still in our way towards understanding of gene-environment interplay. In this dissertation I could contribute to this field with new knowledge on gene-environment interplay within a population representative sample of adolescents and young adults. Thus, it is possible to generalize the results to healthy people and general population. I studied gene x environment interactions on behaviour within three different genes and found family relations to be an important contributor to gene-behaviour association in all three genes. Adolescents with certain genotype were more vulnerable to adverse family relations than adolescents with another genotype of the same gene. Vulnerability revelad in higher impulsivity or depressivity, that are traits associated with many psychiatric disorders. But genetically driven deficits would not have been maintained throughout evolution if they only exerted negative effects without conveying any gain of function. Our results support the notion that „vulnerability genes“ might, at times, be more appropriately conceptualized as „plasticity genes“, because they seem to make individuals more susceptible to environmental influences—for better and for worse. For example I found that in the presence of life adversity, males with a certain genotype have to pay the price in featuring higher maladaptive impulsivity and accordingly increased risk for related psychopathology. Under positive conditions, males with the same genotype display increased adaptive impulsivity and extraversion. Thus, good family relations might prevent developing traits associated with psychiatric disorders and help to reveal best traits in subjects with malleable genotype, although single gene x environment effect on behavior is very small.
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genotüüp, käitumine, impulsiivsus, depressioon, inimsuhted, genotype, behaviour, impulsiveness, depression, interpersonal relations