Juhtumiuuring: SaleMove'i automatiseeritud vastuvõtutestimise infrastruktuuri optimeerimine
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SaleMove on ettevõte, mis pakub tarkvara kui teenust. Kuna SaleMove asetab suurt rõhku oma tarkvara kvaliteedi tagamisele, on ettevõte huvitatud oma tarkvaraarenduse protsessi pidevast täiustamisest. Üks oluline osa selles tarkvaraarenduse protsessis on automatiseeritud vastuvõtutestide käitamine. Käesolev magistritöö optimeeribki selle tarkvaraarenduse protsessi olulise osaga seotud infrastruktuuri, eesmärgiga vähendada infrastruktuuriga seotud riistvaralisi kulutusi, vähendada viivitust vastuvõtutestide tagasiside saamisel ja suurendada infrastruktuuri paindlikkust kasvava arvu vastuvõtutestidega toime tulemise osas.Nende eesmärkide saavutamiseks analüüsitakse kõigepealt esialgse infrastruktuuri puudusi, mille järel pakutakse välja mitmeid täiendusi. Et vältida negatiivseid mõjusid ettevõtte igapäevatööle, katsetatakse neid täiendusi esialgu eksperimentaalsel koopial SaleMove’i tõelisest automatiseeritud vastuvõtutestimise infrastruktuurist. Peale esialgset mõjude hindamist, võetakse täiendused kasutusele ka SaleMove’i tõelises automatiseeritud vastuvõtutestimise infrastruktuuris ning tehakse tähelepanekuid nende täienduste mõju kohta praktilises kasutuses.
SaleMove is a software-as-a-service company that places a high emphasis on the quality of its software and is therefore constantly looking to improve its software development process. An important part of that software development process is automated acceptance test execution. This thesis presents solutions that optimize the infrastructure related to that important part of the development process in order to reduce the associated hardware costs, reduce the delay in receiving acceptance testing feedback, and increase the infrastructure’s flexibility in dealing with a growing number of acceptance tests.To achieve these goals, the limitations of the initial infrastructure are analyzed, after which a number of enhancements are proposed. These enhancements are implemented and their impact is evaluated on an experimental duplicate of SaleMove’s automated acceptance testing infrastructure in order to avoid negatively interfering with the ongoing software development. Finally, the enhancements are also implemented on Salemove’s active automated acceptance testing infrastructure and observations are made about the effects of the enhancements in practical usage.
SaleMove is a software-as-a-service company that places a high emphasis on the quality of its software and is therefore constantly looking to improve its software development process. An important part of that software development process is automated acceptance test execution. This thesis presents solutions that optimize the infrastructure related to that important part of the development process in order to reduce the associated hardware costs, reduce the delay in receiving acceptance testing feedback, and increase the infrastructure’s flexibility in dealing with a growing number of acceptance tests.To achieve these goals, the limitations of the initial infrastructure are analyzed, after which a number of enhancements are proposed. These enhancements are implemented and their impact is evaluated on an experimental duplicate of SaleMove’s automated acceptance testing infrastructure in order to avoid negatively interfering with the ongoing software development. Finally, the enhancements are also implemented on Salemove’s active automated acceptance testing infrastructure and observations are made about the effects of the enhancements in practical usage.