Kasutajaliidese disaini loomine „Kasutatavuse kogemuspõhise analüüsi meetodi“ rakendusele



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Tartu Ülikool


The aim of this bachelor thesis is to design the front-end of the Experience-based Usability Analysis method application “EbA-UIM” and its user interface. The bachelor's thesis contains an overview of the Experience-based Usability Analysis method, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.2, chosen design tools and choices, and technologies used in development. A list of functional and non-functional requirements for the application are presented in the thesis. This thesis also contains a comprehensive description of the designed application user interface, the results of three different conducted tests, the biggest challenges encountered and plans for further developments. The application was created in cooperation with a fellow student who in a full-stack developer role developed the application's back-end, database and part of the front-end.



Kasutatavuse kogemuspõhise analüüsi meetod, EbA meetod, ligipääsetavuse standard WCAG 2.2, kasutajaliidese disain, Figma, Angular, Typescript, front-end arendus, front-end development
