Õpiobjekti loomine III kooliastme kodunduse tundide rikastamiseks

dc.contributor.advisor Jürimäe, Maria, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorTeppan, Katre
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Kunstide ja tehnoloogia õpetaja
dc.description.abstractThe research problem of the present master thesis derived from the fact that there is lack of teaching resources intended for use in home economics classes for second and third school level students. The aim of the thesis was to design an educational game for teaching the topic “Bread”, which would motivate students to participate actively and acquire new knowledge on the subject. The educational game was tested with the target group and looked at the changes instudents' motivation to engage in class activities and at the effectiveness of the game to obtain new knowledge. Moreover, feedback on suitability of the teaching material was gathered from experienced home economics teachers in order to gain new insights in improving the play-based learning tool. The theoretical part gives an overview about play-based learning. The game creation process is described by ADDIE model. On the basis of the feedback received from students and teachers, the results part analyses the suitability of the learning tool to the target group, the efficiency of the game to make students understand the content and acquire new knowledge as well as students’ motivation to participate in a class exercise. The master thesis explores to what extent students are interested in the study topic before and after the lesson; it presents students’ evaluation on acquiring the lesson content and new knowledge on the basis of the learning tool used in the class and it provides teachers’ assessment on the suitability of the educational game for use in home economics classes with third school level students. The results showed that the game served the study purpose, students were engaged, active and gained new knowledge. The expert teachers claimed that the game is useful while carrying out home economics classes
dc.publisherTÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estoniaen
dc.subjectmänguline õppimine
dc.titleÕpiobjekti loomine III kooliastme kodunduse tundide rikastamiseks


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