Online Battery Cell State of Charge Estimation for use in Electric Vehicle Battery Management Systems
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Tartu Ülikool
The electric vehicle (EV) is a complex, safety-critical system, which must ensure the
safety of the operator and the reliability and longevity of the device. The battery management
system (BMS) of an EV is an embedded system, whose main responsibility
is the protection and safety of the high-voltage battery pack. The BMS must ensure
that the requirements for health, status and deliverable power are met by maintaining
the battery pack within the defined operational conditions for the defined lifetime of the
battery. The state of charge (SOC) of a cell describes the ratio of its current capacity
(amount of charge stored) to the nominal capacity as defined by the manufacturer. SOC
estimation is a crucial, but not trivial BMS task as it can not be measured directly, but
must be estimated from known and measured parameters, such as the cell terminal voltage,
current, temperature, and the static and dynamic behavior of the cell in different
conditions. Many different SOC estimation methods exist, out of which (currently) the
most practical methods for implementing on a real-time embedded system are adaptive
methods, which adapt to different internal and external conditions. This thesis proposes
the use of the sigma point Kalman filter (SPKF) for non-linear systems as an equivalentcircuit
model-based state estimator to be used in one of the current series production EV
projects developed by Rimac Automobili. The estimator has been implemented and validated
to yield better results than the currently used SOC estimation method, and will
be deployed on the BMS of a high-performance hybrid-electric vehicle.
State of charge estimator, Central difference sigma point Kalman filter, Battery management system, Battery cell modelling, Electric powertrain vehicle, Laengu eindaja, Keskmine erinevus sigma-punkt Kalmani filter, Aku juhtimissüsteem, Aku modelleerimine, Elektrisõiduk