Veebirakenduse loomine funktsionaalses programmeerimiskeeles Elixir
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk on tutvustada Elixiri programmeerimiskeelt ja sellel põhinevat Phoenix veebiraamistikku. Praktilise rakendusena luuakse programm ettevõttele E-Agronom OÜ. Rakendus suhtleb Eagronomi põhi- ja mobiilirakendustega, et salvestada kasutaja mobiilseadmelt saadud GPS andmeid.
The purpose of this thesis is to give brief introduction to Elixir programming language and Phoenix framework. From more practical side integration service for E-Agronom OÜ will be built. This service will be communicating with company’s main program and mobile application in order to save GPS data sent from user’s mobile device. Integration service will be built using Elixir and Phoenix.
The purpose of this thesis is to give brief introduction to Elixir programming language and Phoenix framework. From more practical side integration service for E-Agronom OÜ will be built. This service will be communicating with company’s main program and mobile application in order to save GPS data sent from user’s mobile device. Integration service will be built using Elixir and Phoenix.