Eriolukorra ajal toimunud informaatikaviktoriini Kobras tulemuste analüüs
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Tartu Ülikool
In this bachelor's thesis, the focus is on the Bebras Challenge on Informatics held in Estonia. The thesis analyzes the results of the second round of the Bebras Challenge, which took place in the online environment from March 1st to 12th, 2021. The aim of the thesis is to explore the relationship between the results and the age, gender, time of day of solving, and time spent on solving by the participants. The analysis revealed that as students' age increased, boys' results compared to girls' progressively improved. From the junior age group (9th–10th grade) onwards, the difference in results between boys and girls was statistically significant. The analysis of shared tasks for juniors (9th–10th grade) and seniors (11th–12th grade) showed that in the seniors, girls' results did not worsen with age not only relatively (compared to boys) but also absolutely (compared to girls from the 9th–10th grade).
raalmõtlemine, informaatikaviktoriin Kobras, computational thinking