LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT ja Vernier infrapuna termomeeter
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli tutvustada Vernier infrapuna termomeetrit, luua selle kohta eestikeelsed materjalid ning välja selgitada anduri programmeerimis- ja kasutusvõimalused NXT-G programmeerimiskeskkonnas. Lisaks oli eesmärgiks koostada kolm erineva raskusastmega ülesannet anduriga tutvumiseks.
The main goal of this bachelor thesis was to introduce Vernier infrared thermometer, create detailed educational materials in Estonian and to determine the potential use of the sensor in the NXT-G environment. In addition, the goal was to create three practical exercises with varying degrees.
The main goal of this bachelor thesis was to introduce Vernier infrared thermometer, create detailed educational materials in Estonian and to determine the potential use of the sensor in the NXT-G environment. In addition, the goal was to create three practical exercises with varying degrees.