Attention meets language: a corpus study on the expression of motion in Estonian
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Keel on inimesele eriomane ning on tihedasti seotud inimese muude kognitiivsete võimetega, nagu taju, töömälu ja tähelepanu. Seetõttu on keele ülesehitust väga sageli uuritud just kognitiivsest vaatepunktist. Ka siinne doktoritöö panustab oma tulemustega sellisesse keelekirjeldusse, tuues kokku tähelepanu ja keele. Doktoritöös esitan Leonard Talmy (1996; 2000a) tähelepanu akendamise käsitluse edasiarendusena ühtse akendamise hüpoteesi. Ühtse akendamise hüpoteesi järgi väljendatakse (n-ö akendatakse) keeles tugevama rõhuasetusega sellist informatsiooni, millele sarnase reaalse sündmuse visuaalsel jälgimisel ka tähelepanu koondub. Üks viis millegi rõhutamiseks on selle mitmekordne väljendamine ühe lause piires. Et hüpoteesi kehtivust uurida, analüüsingi töös reaalset liikumist väljendava 9500 eestikeelse korpuslause semantilist ülesehitust ning vaatlen semantiliste ühikute mitmekordset väljendust. Metoodiliselt mitmekülgne korpusanalüüs kinnitab väga selgelt hüpoteesi kehtivust. Liikumislausete ülesehitus on tüüpiliselt selline, kus olulist informatsiooni (näiteks ruumi või viisi, aga ka muid aspekte) on väljendatud mitme keeleüksuse abil. Eriti selge on selline suundumus liikumislausetes ruumi, aga ka liikumisviisi kirjeldustes. Näiteks lähekohta märkivaid verbe (nt lahkuma) kasutatakse väga sageli koos lähtekohta märkivate fraasidega (nt majast) ning vahendit märkivaid viisiverbe (nt väntama) koos vahendit märkivate viisifraasidega (nt jalgrattaga). Ühtse akendamise suundumust keele struktuuris võib tõlgendada semantilise ühildumisena, mis on mõnevõrra varjatud, ent mida on võimalik statistiliste meetoditega kindlaks teha. Töö tulemused lubavad järeldada, et tähelepanumustrid kanduvad keelemustriteks, nii et tähenduserinevused on tihedalt seotud struktuuriliste erinevustega. Keelematerjali analüüs toob välja, et eri väljendid lauses võivad olla semantiliselt seotud väga keerukalt. See kinnitab tõsiasja, et keel on nähtus, milles põimuvad väga paljud tegurid. Seejuures on eriliselt olulised kognitiivsed tegurid, nagu näiteks tähelepanu piiratus ja liikumise visuaalne taju. Ka näitab töö selgesti, et keeleühikud on semantilises mõttes võrdlemisi paindlikud ja et varasemad väited verbide dihhotoomsest jagunemisest viisiverbideks ja suunaverbideks pole kognitiivselt kuigivõrd õigustatud.
Language ability is one of the core characteristics of human beings, and is clearly intertwined with other cognitive abilities, such as perception, working memory, and attention. Consequently, much research has been devoted to the analysis of language based on its cognitive underpinnings. The current corpus study contributes to this body of knowledge by examining the structure of actual motion clauses in Estonian (e.g., Ta jooksis trepist alla ‘(S)he ran down the stairs’). More specifically, expanding upon Talmy’s (1996; 2000a) approach to windowing of attention, I develop and test the ‘hypothesis of consistent windowing’. According to this hypothesis, domain-important information is expressed (i.e., windowed) in an enhanced manner to both adequately reflect the characteristics of cognitive processing, and to allow effective processing of language. In other words, what is perceived as important when observing motion, is also expressed as important. This is reached by means of employing clausal patterns where important information is depicted simultaneously by several linguistic units. To test the hypothesis of consistent windowing, I examine the semantic structure of 9500 Estonian actual motion clauses. This is done by applying a combination of different statistical methods. The results of this extensive corpus analysis strongly confirm the consistent windowing hypothesis. The typical patterns of motion expressions clearly reflect attentional patterns which would also appear when observing some physical motion situation. In particular, the spatial settings of motion clauses show that verb meaning and the meaning of spatial expressions in a clause tend to contain similar information. For example, source verbs have a strong tendency to combine with Source expressions (e.g., lahkus majast ‘(s)he left (from) the house’). Furthermore, the tendency applies also to manner information, as in väntas jalgrattaga ‘(s)he pedalled by bicycle’, in which the manner feature of instrument is expressed through both of the linguistic units in this clause. This tendency for consistent windowing can be seen as a semantic agreement between motion verbs and other expressions in the clause. Nevertheless, the structure of motion clauses is very complex as language is a highly multivariate phenomenon. Much of this complexity is due to cognitive factors, such as restrictions on attention allocation and visual perception of motion. Furthermore, motion verbs can flexibly accommodate different semantic features, and manner and directionality are certainly not mutually exclusive. Taken together, clausal patterns reflect attentional patterns. This indicates the embodied roots of language and that semantic differences can be seen in structural differences.
Language ability is one of the core characteristics of human beings, and is clearly intertwined with other cognitive abilities, such as perception, working memory, and attention. Consequently, much research has been devoted to the analysis of language based on its cognitive underpinnings. The current corpus study contributes to this body of knowledge by examining the structure of actual motion clauses in Estonian (e.g., Ta jooksis trepist alla ‘(S)he ran down the stairs’). More specifically, expanding upon Talmy’s (1996; 2000a) approach to windowing of attention, I develop and test the ‘hypothesis of consistent windowing’. According to this hypothesis, domain-important information is expressed (i.e., windowed) in an enhanced manner to both adequately reflect the characteristics of cognitive processing, and to allow effective processing of language. In other words, what is perceived as important when observing motion, is also expressed as important. This is reached by means of employing clausal patterns where important information is depicted simultaneously by several linguistic units. To test the hypothesis of consistent windowing, I examine the semantic structure of 9500 Estonian actual motion clauses. This is done by applying a combination of different statistical methods. The results of this extensive corpus analysis strongly confirm the consistent windowing hypothesis. The typical patterns of motion expressions clearly reflect attentional patterns which would also appear when observing some physical motion situation. In particular, the spatial settings of motion clauses show that verb meaning and the meaning of spatial expressions in a clause tend to contain similar information. For example, source verbs have a strong tendency to combine with Source expressions (e.g., lahkus majast ‘(s)he left (from) the house’). Furthermore, the tendency applies also to manner information, as in väntas jalgrattaga ‘(s)he pedalled by bicycle’, in which the manner feature of instrument is expressed through both of the linguistic units in this clause. This tendency for consistent windowing can be seen as a semantic agreement between motion verbs and other expressions in the clause. Nevertheless, the structure of motion clauses is very complex as language is a highly multivariate phenomenon. Much of this complexity is due to cognitive factors, such as restrictions on attention allocation and visual perception of motion. Furthermore, motion verbs can flexibly accommodate different semantic features, and manner and directionality are certainly not mutually exclusive. Taken together, clausal patterns reflect attentional patterns. This indicates the embodied roots of language and that semantic differences can be seen in structural differences.
eesti keel, tähelepanu, akendamine, pöördsõnad, liikumine, väljendid, semantika, korpuslingvistika, Estonian language, attention, windowing, verbs, movement, expressions, semantics, corpus linguistics