Casem – adaptiivne juhtumikorralduse süsteem
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Äriprotsess on kogumik tegevusi, mis viib kliendi väärtuse saavutamisele. Äriprotsessid on iga kaasaegse organisatsiooni peamised komponendid ja nende optimiseerimine on võti kõrge efektiivsuse taseme saavutamiseks.
Suured firmad kasutavad erinevaid vahendeid, et toetada nende äriprotsesside täitmist. Äriprotsesside juhtimisüsteemid on väljakujunenud pere süstemidest, mida kasutavad äriprotsesside täitmiseks. Kuid üldiselt nad on kavandatud selleks, et toetada kõrgelt standardiseeritud äriprotsesse.
Äriprotsesside toetamiseks, mis ei ole täiesti standardiseeritud ja mis vajavad kõrgema taseme paindlikkust, ettevõtted kasutavad uuemaid süsteeme, mis kannavad nimetuse "Kohandatavad Juhtumikorralduse Süsteemid". Selle lõputöö autor oli seotud ühe sellise süsteemi arendamisega, mille nimi on "Casem". Lõputöö sõnastab nõudeid, mis motiveerisid "Casem" süsteemi arendamist. Samuti lõputöö analüüsib ja võrdleb kaht teist kohandatavad juhtimikorralduse süsteemi püstitatud nõuetega.
A business process is a collection of activities that lead to an outcome that created value for a customer. Business processes are a central component of any modern organization and their optimization is key to achieving high levels of efficiency. Large companies use various types of tools to support the execution of their business processes. Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) are a well-established family of systems for business process execution. However, a BPMS is generally designed to support highly standardized business processes. To support business processes that are not fully standardized and that require high levels of flexibility, companies are turning to a new type of system called Adaptive Case Management Systems. The author of this thesis was involved in the development of one of such system, namely Casem. The thesis spells out the requirements that motivated the development of Casem. The thesis also analyzes and compares two other commercial case management systems against these requirements.
A business process is a collection of activities that lead to an outcome that created value for a customer. Business processes are a central component of any modern organization and their optimization is key to achieving high levels of efficiency. Large companies use various types of tools to support the execution of their business processes. Business Process Management Systems (BPMS) are a well-established family of systems for business process execution. However, a BPMS is generally designed to support highly standardized business processes. To support business processes that are not fully standardized and that require high levels of flexibility, companies are turning to a new type of system called Adaptive Case Management Systems. The author of this thesis was involved in the development of one of such system, namely Casem. The thesis spells out the requirements that motivated the development of Casem. The thesis also analyzes and compares two other commercial case management systems against these requirements.