Arduino stardikomplekti õppematerjalid
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on tutvustada Arduinoga ühilduvate andurite ja lisatarvikute kasutusvõimalusi ning koostada neist huvitavamate kohta eestikeelsed õppematerjalid. Töö on jaotatud kolmeks osaks. Esimeses peatükis antakse ülevaade Arduino platvormist ja stardikomplekti olemusest. Teises peatükis tutvustatakse stardikomplekti komponentide kasutusvõimalusi ning koostatakse juhend arenduskeskkonna seadistamiseks. Töö kolmandas osas selgitatakse andurite praktilist kasutamist 10 kasvava raskusastmega näidisprojekti abil.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce sensors and extra components that can be used with Arduino and create learning materials based on some of them. Materials are in Estonian and using most interesting componets of starter kit. The thesis is divided into three parts. Chapter 1 introduces Arduino platform and puropse of starter kit. Chapter 2 describes sensors and extra components that are included in starter kit and shows how to set up Arduino IDE. Chapter 3 explains how to use some of the sensors and components in practice by giving 10 example projects with growing level of difficulty.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to introduce sensors and extra components that can be used with Arduino and create learning materials based on some of them. Materials are in Estonian and using most interesting componets of starter kit. The thesis is divided into three parts. Chapter 1 introduces Arduino platform and puropse of starter kit. Chapter 2 describes sensors and extra components that are included in starter kit and shows how to set up Arduino IDE. Chapter 3 explains how to use some of the sensors and components in practice by giving 10 example projects with growing level of difficulty.