Predikaatarvutuse väljendusülesannete lahendamise veebikeskkond
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Bakalureusetöö tulemiks on veebirakendus, mis on võimeline hindama sisestatud valemi süntaksi korrektsust kui valem on naturaalarvude hulgal ja signatuuriga <0,1;+,*;=>
Lisaks on loodud rakendust võimalik rakendada e-õppes tänu tööde ja ülesannete loomise ning soorituste hindamise moodulitele.
As a result of this thesis a web envoromnent for e-learning was created. In this environment there are tools for managing tests, questions and students performances. The main feature is that the application is capable of determining the validity of the syntax of a formula on the set of natural numbers with the signature <0,1;+,*;=>
As a result of this thesis a web envoromnent for e-learning was created. In this environment there are tools for managing tests, questions and students performances. The main feature is that the application is capable of determining the validity of the syntax of a formula on the set of natural numbers with the signature <0,1;+,*;=>