Association between personality traits, clinical characteristics and pharmacological treatment response in panic disorder
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Missugused isiksusejooned iseloomustavad paanikahäirega (PH) patsienti? Millise mõõdikuga võiks selliste patsientide isiksuseomadusi mõõta? Need küsimused viisid meid põhiküsimuseni – kuidas on seotud isiksusejooned ja paanikahäire farmakoloogiline ravi?
Kasutasime isiksuse hindamiseks Rootsi ülikoolide isiksuseskaalat (SSP), mis toetuvad kolmele tegurile: neurootilisus, ekstravertsus ja agressiivsus. Kontrollisime SSP eestikeelse variandi usaldusväärsust ja kehtivust ning hindasime PH-patsientide ja tervete inimeste isiksusejoonte erinevusi. Leidsime, et SSP kolmefaktoriline struktuur (neurootilisus, agressiivsus ja ekstravertsus) oli sarnane Rootsis saadud tulemustega.
Teiseks vaatlesime PH-patsientide ja tervete inimeste isiksuseomadusi. Leidsime, et SSP faktorid neurootilisus ja agressiivsus, samuti somaatilise ärevuse alaskaala väärtused olid PH grupis oluliselt kõrgemad. Uuringus leidsime isiksusejooni kirjeldava SSP kõigi alaskaalade väärtuste langemise 12-nädalase farmakoloogilise ravi järel. Ükski SSP alaskaalade algväärtusest ei olnud statistiliselt oluliselt seotud ravivastusega. Ainult kõrgem impulsiivsus uuringu alguses oli lähedal olulisele tasemele ennustamaks halvemat ravitulemust.
Järeldasime, et SSP eestikeelne versioon näitab aktsepteeritavaid psühhomeetrilisi omadusi. PH-patsientidel on mittekohaneva isiksuse jooni. Isiksusejoonte kõrvalekalle väljendub rohkem kaasuva meeleoluhäirega paanikahäirega patsientidel. Kuigi PH-patsientide isiksus näitas 12-nädalase farmakoloogilise ravi järel kindlat suunda normaliseerumisele, ei leidnud me SSP-ga mõõdetavate isiksusejoonte olulist seost ravitulemusega.
What kind of personality traits characterise PD patients? What kind of assessment method would be useful to measure these traits? These questions led us to query of how personality traits and pharmacological treatment of PD are related. The Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP) was used for evaluation of personality traits. The SSP subscales form three factors: Neuroticism, Aggressiveness and Extraversion. Estonian data revealed that the three-factor structure of the SSP was similar to the Swedish results. Personality traits of PD patients differed from healthy controls. We found higher Neuroticism, Aggressiveness and Somatic Trait Anxiety in patients with PD. All the SSP sub-scales declined during a 12-week treatment of PD. None of the baseline scores of the SSP subscales were associated with the treatment response on a strong level. Only a higher score of Impulsivity scale at baseline was close-to- significant for predicting nonremitters after 12-weeks pharmacological treatment. To conclude, we demonstrated that the SSP Estonian psychometric version has acceptable properties. We showed evidence of maladaptive trait patterns in patients with PD, characterised by high Neuroticism, Aggressiveness and the higher manifestation of Somatic Trait Anxiety. More pronounced personality trait deviations were observed in PD with affective comorbidity. Although maladaptive personality disposition in patients with PD showed a certain trend towards normalisation after 12-week treatment with the antidepressant, there was no strong correlation with the clinical outcome.
What kind of personality traits characterise PD patients? What kind of assessment method would be useful to measure these traits? These questions led us to query of how personality traits and pharmacological treatment of PD are related. The Swedish universities Scales of Personality (SSP) was used for evaluation of personality traits. The SSP subscales form three factors: Neuroticism, Aggressiveness and Extraversion. Estonian data revealed that the three-factor structure of the SSP was similar to the Swedish results. Personality traits of PD patients differed from healthy controls. We found higher Neuroticism, Aggressiveness and Somatic Trait Anxiety in patients with PD. All the SSP sub-scales declined during a 12-week treatment of PD. None of the baseline scores of the SSP subscales were associated with the treatment response on a strong level. Only a higher score of Impulsivity scale at baseline was close-to- significant for predicting nonremitters after 12-weeks pharmacological treatment. To conclude, we demonstrated that the SSP Estonian psychometric version has acceptable properties. We showed evidence of maladaptive trait patterns in patients with PD, characterised by high Neuroticism, Aggressiveness and the higher manifestation of Somatic Trait Anxiety. More pronounced personality trait deviations were observed in PD with affective comorbidity. Although maladaptive personality disposition in patients with PD showed a certain trend towards normalisation after 12-week treatment with the antidepressant, there was no strong correlation with the clinical outcome.
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paanikahäire, isiksuseomadused, farmakoteraapia, ravitulemused, Eesti