Reeglid dialoogsüsteemile – eesti keele praktiseerimise vahend eesti keele õppijatele
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärk oli luua regulaaravaldiste kujul reegleid dialoogsüsteemile Spark, mida kasutatakse eesti keele võõrkeelena praktiseerimiseks. Sparkile on reegleid loonud kolm inimest, igaüks erinevatel teemadel. Selles bakalaureusetöös käsitleti järgmisi teemasid: õigekirjavigade tuvastamine ja nende kohta informatsiooni andmine, rahvakalendri tähtpäevad ja pühad, viis suuremat linna, rahvussümbolid. Lisaeesmärgiks oli luua reegleid nii, et suhtlus Sparkiga oleks mitmekesisem. Vastuste esitamiseks kasutati mitmeid uusi lahendusi, mida varem pole teadaolevalt eestikeelsete dialoogsüsteemide puhul kasutatud: pildid, videod, tabelid, loetelud, helifailid. Varem koosnesid vastused vaid tekstist ja harva ka veebilingist lisamaterjalini. Veel antakse ülevaade raamistikust, mille abil Spark loodi, ja keeleõppe võimalustest arvuti vahendusel. Läbi viidi ka katsevestlused dialoogsüsteemiga ja analüüsiti tulemusi.
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to create rules for the dialogue system Spark, which is used to practise Estonian as a foreign language. Three developers created rules for Spark, each on different topics. In this bachelor thesis the following subjects were covered: detecting spelling mistakes and giving information about them, national holidays, national symbols, the five largest cities. An additional purpose was to make communication with Spark more diversified. Several new solutions that had not been used in Estonian dialogue systems before were used to display answers: pictures, videos, tables, lists, audio files. So far the answers had only consisted of text and occasionally links to further reading. The thesis also examines the framework used for creating Spark and gives an overview of computer-based opportunities for learning a language. Finally, tests were performed and the results were analysed.
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to create rules for the dialogue system Spark, which is used to practise Estonian as a foreign language. Three developers created rules for Spark, each on different topics. In this bachelor thesis the following subjects were covered: detecting spelling mistakes and giving information about them, national holidays, national symbols, the five largest cities. An additional purpose was to make communication with Spark more diversified. Several new solutions that had not been used in Estonian dialogue systems before were used to display answers: pictures, videos, tables, lists, audio files. So far the answers had only consisted of text and occasionally links to further reading. The thesis also examines the framework used for creating Spark and gives an overview of computer-based opportunities for learning a language. Finally, tests were performed and the results were analysed.