Moebrändi olemus ja loomine: Montoni sünd

dc.contributor.authorVäljaots, Urmas
dc.descriptionThis bachelor thesis is focusing on analysing the concept and creation of fashion brand, based besides theoretical literature also on the empirical research: interviews conducted with people behind the process of developing and launching new international fashion brand Monton. For analysing three main questions were set out: ·How experts define fashion? ·How the concept of fashion brand is understood and which are linked terms? ·Why Montin was created? To analyze the topic and find answers this thesis takes a look at first on the theoretical literature written on the topic of fashion, branding and on the theories of culture and society (culture industry, consumer culture, postmodernity etc). After having distinguished fashion and brand into two theoretical parts in order to unite them to form the concept of fashion brand, the author has pointed out the cultural and same time economical nature of fashion (fashion as one of the culture industries), succeeding then with contrasting fashion and clothing. Distinguishing fashion as the constant and systematic change in garment styles, contrasting it with clothing which refers to more stable and functional system of garments. Brand has been seen as also from one side cultural and from the other economic concept, which encompasses some added values and distinguishes products from each other, thus giving reason consumers to pay more for branded products, as opposed to labels which don't have any extra value. Therefore there can exist both clothing and fashion brands, which are contrasted with labels. There thus exist different levels of brands in the garment industry, which make it possible for consumers to get better experiences and companies to earn bigger revenues. Empirical material analyzed interviews, focusing on interviewees understanding on brands, fashion, clothing and fashion/clothing bands and on the process of creation of Monton, which was mainly undertaken to ensure and enable the future growth and development of the company. Interviewees distinguished in branding two viewpoints - brand as a benefit for the company and brand as a consumers vision. First being seen very rationally and economically as just a way to earn money for the company, though also being means for giving assuredness for employees and company. The second one (concept of brand as a consumers vision) sees the brand as something more which is placed in consumers mind, an added value, a way of living, not just as a means to create bigger sales. Fashion was defined as an experience and clothing as the functional covering of body. When discussing the question of fashion/clothing brand, then all interviewees distinguished clothing from fashion and brand from label, which is visualized as chart on page 56-57. But the same time it was interesting that many of them didn't think it being possible for clothing to be a brand and thought of clothing as only a label (as branding being only the thing for fashion). But as it can be seen from the chart and from the theoretical part, then also clothing brands and fashion labels can exist. From interviews was clearly detectable also two interwined dimensions: culture and economy, when talked about fashion and clothing and about brand and label. These three polarisations can be drawn as one chart, so making visible the relation between three.To sum up then it was found that there exists a difference between fashion and clothing, as it exists between brand and label. Based on these features a matrix can be drawn (fashion and clothing vs brand and label), which shows different levels of branding in garment indusrty and if placing it onto culture-economy axis, it reveals the relation of clothing and fashion brands and labels as being a part of the concept of culture industry.
dc.identifierVäljaots, Urmas (2003) Moebrändi olemus ja loomine: Montoni sünd. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleMoebrändi olemus ja loomine: Montoni sünd


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