Talk show "Mamma Mia" diskursiivsete praktikate analüüs

dc.contributor.advisorKalmus, Veronika, juhendajaet
dc.contributor.authorSiibak, Andraet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskond
dc.contributor.otherAjakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakond
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the MA thesis was to describe and analyse the opinions and ideas the women audience had about the talk show „Mamma Mia”. The analysis of the production practices of „Mamma Mia” is provided in a form of background knowledge. Different studies concentrating on the talk show genre (Abt & Seesholtz 1995; Shattuc 1997; Rapping 2000), and the reception of talk shows (Frisby 1998, 1999; Manga 2003; Mittell 2003) are used as a theoretical bases of the current thesis. Furthermore, different studies on audience research are also part of the theoretical material (Fiske 1987, 2001, 2003; Morley 1992; Ang 1996 Aslama 1999 etc). The empirical analysis of the thesis is based on in-depth oral interviews with the editors of „Mamma Mia” as well as with the women watching the show. In order to study the production process of the show participant observation method was used during the taping of one episode of „Mamma Mia”. Participant observation techinque was also used in order to study the reception process of „Mamma Mia“ by its women audience. Different newspaper articles about „Mamma Mia“ helped to form an illustrative background material for the study. Qualitative research methods were used in the analysis of interview transcripts, media texts and ethnographic materials. The thesis was set on four hypotheses. Results from the previous studies were used in the formation of three hypotheses. According to the first hypothesis „Mamma Mia” became popular among women because the range of elements (such as program topic, guest choice, the host of the show), that the show was built upon, created the discourse of femininity. The second hypothesis assumed that women watching „Mamma Mia“ saw use-value in the show. It was also assumed that „Mamma Mia“ gave women a chance to use social comparison tehnique while watching the show. The fourth hypothesis was based on the theory of distinction (Bourdieu 2000) as well as on the previous knowledge about Estonian society. Based on this knowledge it was assumed that women`s attitude towards „Mamma Mia“ is not related to their tastes in cultural consumption or general TV viewing habits. Summarizing the results of the research one can conclude that all hypotheses were either partially or fully verified. The analysis showed that women took interest in „Mamma Mia“ beacuse of its „real“ and „relevant“ topics. Some of the women watched „Mamma Mia“ because of its entertainment value, others appreciated the show because of its more „serious“ and thoughtprovoking topics. „Mamma Mia“ became popular among women because „ordinary people“ appared in the show as guests. The stories told in “Mamma Mia” seemed „actual“ and “true” in the eyes of the viewers, turning “Mamma Mia” into a „legitimate“ discourse. Positive feedback was also given to the host of the show for creating create a friendly athmospher in the studio. The in-depth interviews made with the women watching „Mamma Mia“ showed that the talk show had both real and implied use-value to its audience. The show appared to be especially useful for teenage girls, who said to have leared a lot from the stories told in the show. The implied use-value of „Mamma Mia“ is derived from the therapeutic discourse of the show. Furthermore, women in the audience frequently used social comparison tehnique while watching “Mamma Mia”. Usually a downward comparison was used, meaning that women watching „Mamma Mia“ percieved themselves from a position of superiority. Based on the in-depth interviews no concrete connection was found between women`s opinions to „Mamma Mia“ and their general TV viewing habits or cultural preferences. „Mamma Mia“ became popular among all the women, regardless of their sociodemographic status or tastes. The results of cultural consumption among Estonian women watching „Mamma Mia“ and previous studies analysing cultural distinction in Estonia show that there may be a tendency toward the homogenisation of cultural preferences among Estonians. One may conclude that talk show „Mamma Mia“ became a new open forum, a counter public- sphere (Shattuc 1997) for those women who needed a place to speak their minds as well as for those, who were looking for chances of therapeutic discourse and social comparison.
dc.identifier.otherTartu Ester bibnumber: b1740664xet
dc.languageeesti keeleset
dc.subject.othersooline identiteetet
dc.titleTalk show "Mamma Mia" diskursiivsete praktikate analüüset
dc.title.alternativeThe analysis of the discursive practices of talkshow "Mamma Mia"et


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