Reisikirjeldused suurima tiraažiga Eesti ajalehtedes aastal 2010

dc.contributor.advisorNuust, Vallo, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorTatrik, Katre
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.description.abstractThis thesis „Travel writings in biggest Estonian newspapers in 2010“ gives a view about travel writing theory based on Estonian and English material and also helps to understand what does travel writing really means. The resent material in Estonia, used in this thesis, is from 1967 and is mostly based on notes of Juhan Peegel and Endel Mallene. The newer theory is based on English theory and is not over ten years old. Using English theory was important, because Estonian journalism is influenced by western journalism culture and there is no current theory of travel writing in Estonian language. Travel writing can be considered as one of the feature genre. Between travel writings and features there are many common parts. This fact is based on theory of both genres and also became obvious in the analysis. The biggest difference between these two genres is the subject. All the features can be written about events or people but all the travel writings focus on either travelling or on a place the author has visited. In both genres it is important to use characters, dialogs and carefully chosen details. These active journalists, who gave interviews, agreed that good details are very important in travel writings. Based on analysis of traditional travel writings, that were from Postimees, Õhtuleht, Maaleht Eesti Ekspress and Eesti Päevaleht, shows that these pieces adjust well in the theoretical conception of travel writing. In addition to the signs that described older travel writings, the most travel writings also included „in media res“-beginnings. Travel writings had thematic middle section or narrative middle section. The most common endings of travel writing included a satisfying conclusion and/or were tide up with the beginning. There were more traditional travel writings found from daily newspapers than from weekly newspapers. Whereby, daily newspapers published mostly travel stories from professional journalist and weekly newspapers mostly published travel stories from co-authors, who did not worked regularly for that paper. The reasons, why daily newspapers prefer to publish travel writings form editorial board were mentioned in interviews – professional journalist produce better pieces and editorial board do not have money to by them in. The author of this thesis found it interesting and exciting challenge to write it. The same time it helped to get a good overview of travel sections and travel writings of Estonian biggest newspapers.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.titleReisikirjeldused suurima tiraažiga Eesti ajalehtedes aastal 2010et


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