Tõhus algoritm kohtvõrgu topoloogia tuvastamiseks
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Tartu Ülikool
Suurte arvutiside kohtvõrkude topoloogia automaatse ja usaldusväärse tuvastamise võimaluse puudumine on olnud suureks takistuseks asutuste, ettevõtete ja organisatsioonide arvutivõrkude haldamisel ja auditeerimisel. Käesoleva töö sisuks on uued algoritmid ja meetodid, mis võimaldavad tuvastada kohtvõrgu topoloogia olemasolevatest meetoditest usaldusväärsemalt ja kiiremalt. Samuti esitatakse väljatöötatud meetodite referents-implementatsioon ning kirjeldatakse loodud referents-implementatsiooni rakendamise kogemust Tartu Ülikooli arvutivõrgu auditeerimisel.
Lack of possibility for automatic and reliable Local Area Network topology discovery has been significant problem for large companies and institutions, as knowledge of network topology is required for effective network auditing, maintenance and expansion planning. In a course of current research, new and efficient algorithms and methods for Local Area Network topology discovery were developed, which are more precise and efficient then existing methods. Reference implementation of developed algorithms and methods were presented. Also, experience from applying reference implementation to University of Tartu information system users identity management were described.
Lack of possibility for automatic and reliable Local Area Network topology discovery has been significant problem for large companies and institutions, as knowledge of network topology is required for effective network auditing, maintenance and expansion planning. In a course of current research, new and efficient algorithms and methods for Local Area Network topology discovery were developed, which are more precise and efficient then existing methods. Reference implementation of developed algorithms and methods were presented. Also, experience from applying reference implementation to University of Tartu information system users identity management were described.