Isikulooline perspektiiv Eestimaa Kommunistliku Partei ajaloos 1920–1940
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Nõukogude Liidu lagunemine avas võimalused käsitleda kommunistliku liikumise ajalugu senisest mitmeplaanilisemalt ja tõi teaduskäibesse tohutu hulga uusi allikaid eriti aastail 1919–1943 tegutsenud Kommunistliku Internatsionaali (Komintern), selle rahvuslike sektsioonide ja liikmete kohta. Sellest tõukus täiesti uus kommunistliku liikumise ajaloo uurimise laine, mis kasutas ära just isikuloolise materjali rikkalikke võimalusi ja seadis parteiajaloos esiplaanile inimese.
Kominterni üks sektsioonidest oli ka sõdadevahelises Eesti Vabariigis põrandaalune Eestimaa Kommunistlik Partei (EKP) ja siinne käsitlus on esimene katse uurida parteiga seotud inimeste tegevust üksikisiku perspektiivist. Väitekirjas esitatakse kaheksa aastail 1920–40 EKP liikmeks astunud inimese elulood. Nende abil analüüsitakse, milliste eesmärkidega ja milliste institutsioonide kaudu hakati Eestis kommunistliku partei tegevuses osalema. Isikulooline vaatenurk võimaldab mitmekihilist analüüsi, võttes arvesse perekondlikke ja kasvukeskkonna mõjusid, ühiskonna poliitilist laetust ja piirkondlikke eripärasid, mis inimesi nende valikuil mõjutasid.
Et isiku tegevuse käsitlemine tähendas vajadust taasluua tema aegruumi laiemalt, avab töö mitmeid 1920.–30. aastate Eesti ühiskonna aktuaalseid probleeme. Kaheksa juhtumiuuringut ei võimalda kõikehaaravaid üldistusi, kuid pakuvad sissevaadet tegevuskeskkondadesse ja suhtlusringidesse, kus vasakpoolne ideoloogia levis. Samuti pakuvad need võimaluse asetada Eesti kommunistide tegevus laiemasse rahvusvahelise kommunistliku liikumise konteksti, võimaldades edaspidi võrdlevaid uurimusi näiteks teiste Kominterni rahvuslike sektsioonidega.
New source material became available after the opening of the archives once the Soviet Union had collapsed. This led to a new wave of research into the history of the interwar communist movement. With this new source material came abundant biographical detail which provided an opportunity for another method of research: biographical approach to the history of the communist movement. This study is the first attempt to provide an insight into the communist movement during the interwar Estonia from the point of view of the individual, a party member in particular, while at the same time aiming to consider the context of activities and factors that influenced them to join the communist party. The thesis provides political biographies of eight people, who joined the Communist Party of Estonia (CPE) between 1920 and 1939, i.e., during the party’s independence while operating underground and analyses through which institutions, social circles and activities did people became involved in communist party activities in Estonia. Biographical perspective allows a multi-layered analysis, taking into account different family backgrounds and influences, social, economic and regional characteristics etc. Eight case studies do not allow making any broader generalisations, but provide an insight into the environments and social networks, where left-wing ideas spread. They also offer an opportunity to place the experience of the Estonian communists into the wider context of the international communist movement.
New source material became available after the opening of the archives once the Soviet Union had collapsed. This led to a new wave of research into the history of the interwar communist movement. With this new source material came abundant biographical detail which provided an opportunity for another method of research: biographical approach to the history of the communist movement. This study is the first attempt to provide an insight into the communist movement during the interwar Estonia from the point of view of the individual, a party member in particular, while at the same time aiming to consider the context of activities and factors that influenced them to join the communist party. The thesis provides political biographies of eight people, who joined the Communist Party of Estonia (CPE) between 1920 and 1939, i.e., during the party’s independence while operating underground and analyses through which institutions, social circles and activities did people became involved in communist party activities in Estonia. Biographical perspective allows a multi-layered analysis, taking into account different family backgrounds and influences, social, economic and regional characteristics etc. Eight case studies do not allow making any broader generalisations, but provide an insight into the environments and social networks, where left-wing ideas spread. They also offer an opportunity to place the experience of the Estonian communists into the wider context of the international communist movement.
communist parties, political history, Communists, life course, biographies, Estonia, 1920s, 1930s