Triadic nexus relationships in an age of populism: interactions between Hungary, Romania and the Hungarian minority in Szeklerland
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Mitmetes Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa (KIE) riikides on liitumine Euroopa Liiduga aidanud leevendada erinevate etniliste gruppide vahelisi pingeid ning edendada rahulikku kooselu eri riikidest pärit vähemuste vahel. Sellest siirdest on ühe edukaima ja olulisima näitena, kus on toimunud nii rahvuste- kui riikidevaheline leppimine, esile kerkinud Ungari, Rumeenia ja ungari vähemuse juhtum, mida on eeskujuks toodud tervele KIE regioonile ja ka Balkanile.
Kolmikneksuse mudel, mille käis välja Rogers Brubaker (1996), on võimaldanud analüüsida nii endisi kui nüüdisaegseid rahvustevahelisi konflikte ning nende vältimise võimalusi. Viimase aja poliitilised arengud näitavad selle teooria jätkuvat olulisust. See doktoritöö aga kaasajastab Brubaker’i mudelit, asendades rahvusluse kontseptsiooni populismi ja illiberalismiga ning rakendades uuendatud mudelit kolmele ühe neksuse moodustavale toimijale (Rumeenia, Ungari, ja ungari rahvusvähemus Rumeenias), analüüsimaks nende mõjusid etnopoliitilistele protsessidele.
Väitekiri hõlmab nelja uurimust, mis käsitlevad rahvusliku kodumaa aktivismi, mäluküsimusi, populistlikku diskursust ja poliitilist osalemist ning seda, kuidas need aspektid kujundavad avalikku diskursust ning poliitilisi eelistusi. Esimene uurimus keskendub rahvusliku kodumaa aktivismile ja selle rollile populistlike ja illiberaalsete vaadete levitamisel, mida tehakse rahvusvähemuste kultuurilise identiteedi säilitamise eesmärgil kultuurilise pärandi ja mälu-uuringute kaudu. Teine uurimus analüüsib populistlike illiberaalsete diskursuste ja praktikate mõju Rumeenia poliitilistele protsessidele. Kaks ülejäänud uurimust keskenduvad vähemuste reaktsioonidele, uurides ülalnimetatud stiimulite mõju Rumeenia ungarlaste avaliku diskursuse ja poliitiliste eelistuste kujunemisele. Kokkuvõtvalt näitavad doktoritöö järeldused kolmikneksuse mudeli kohandatavust, aga ka jätkuvat relevantsust, mõistmaks keerulisi dünaamikaid Rumeenia, Ungari ja rahvusvähemuste vahel ning pakkumaks sisendit ka Euroopa Liidu tasandi poliitikaloomele.
The integration of certain Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries into the European Union has helped to ease tensions and promote peaceful coexistence among various ethnic groups from many countries. Because of this transition, one of the resulting and most important cases where interethnic and interstate appeasement was possible, and which was also proposed as a model in the region and the Balkans, is that of Hungary, Romania, and the Hungarian minority. The Triadic Nexus model, proposed by Rogers Brubaker (1996), has been used to analyse past and present interethnic conflicts and ways to avoid them. Recent political phenomena have rendered this theory important. This dissertation updates Brubaker’s model by replacing the concept of nationalism with populism and illiberalism and applies it to the three groups in the nexus (Romania, Hungary, and the Hungarian national minority in Romania) to examine these effects in ethnopolitical processes. The dissertation includes four studies that examine the role of kin-state activism, memory issues, populist discourse, and political participation and how these are shaping public discourse and political preferences. The first study focuses on the role of kin-state activism in transferring populist and illiberal viewpoints through cultural heritage and memory studies when maintaining the cultural identity of national minorities. The second study examines the impact of populist illiberalism discourses and practices on the political processes in Romania. The two studies encompassing the minority reactions investigate the effects of the above stimuli when shaping the public discourse and political preferences of the Hungarian minority in Romania. Overall, the findings of this dissertation demonstrate the adaptability and continued relevance of the Triadic Nexus model in understanding the complex dynamics between Romania, Hungary, and the national minority and offer insights for policymaking in the European Union.
The integration of certain Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries into the European Union has helped to ease tensions and promote peaceful coexistence among various ethnic groups from many countries. Because of this transition, one of the resulting and most important cases where interethnic and interstate appeasement was possible, and which was also proposed as a model in the region and the Balkans, is that of Hungary, Romania, and the Hungarian minority. The Triadic Nexus model, proposed by Rogers Brubaker (1996), has been used to analyse past and present interethnic conflicts and ways to avoid them. Recent political phenomena have rendered this theory important. This dissertation updates Brubaker’s model by replacing the concept of nationalism with populism and illiberalism and applies it to the three groups in the nexus (Romania, Hungary, and the Hungarian national minority in Romania) to examine these effects in ethnopolitical processes. The dissertation includes four studies that examine the role of kin-state activism, memory issues, populist discourse, and political participation and how these are shaping public discourse and political preferences. The first study focuses on the role of kin-state activism in transferring populist and illiberal viewpoints through cultural heritage and memory studies when maintaining the cultural identity of national minorities. The second study examines the impact of populist illiberalism discourses and practices on the political processes in Romania. The two studies encompassing the minority reactions investigate the effects of the above stimuli when shaping the public discourse and political preferences of the Hungarian minority in Romania. Overall, the findings of this dissertation demonstrate the adaptability and continued relevance of the Triadic Nexus model in understanding the complex dynamics between Romania, Hungary, and the national minority and offer insights for policymaking in the European Union.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
Hungary, Romania, national minorities, ethnic relations, populism, ethnic policy