Filmi järeltootmise Inglise-Eesti valiksõnastik
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Tartu Ülikool
Eero Vakker
Filmi järeltootmise inglise-eesti valiksõnastik
English-Estonian Glossary of Film Post-Production
Master’s thesis
80 pages
keywords: film, post-production, glossary
The objective of this masters's thesis is to compile an English-Estonian glossary on the
subject of film post-production. The subject matter is divided into two parts: concepts of
technical nature and of film poetics and aesthetics, with a major emphasis on picture and
sound editing. The compilation of the glossary was based on the organisation of concepts
rather than finding equivalents to the terms of the source language. Since there is a substantial
lack of Estonian terms in film in general and especially in modern post-production, the author
of this thesis set out to try and form new terms and make them as transparent as possible.
The glossary is organised alphabetically, all synonyms are cross-referenced and more
references have been provided in the definition section of the sense unit, to provide an even
better overview of the concept.
sõnastikud, filmid (teosed)