Relics of Lithuanian Polymusic: An Analysis of Three Cases

dc.contributor.authorRačiūnaitė-Vyčinienė, Daiva
dc.contributor.otherSchaper, Anu, koostaja
dc.contributor.otherPärtlas, Žanna, koostaja
dc.descriptionLonger summary available in Estonian (pp. 73-74)
dc.descriptionOlemas pikem kokkuvõte eesti keeles (lk 73-74)et
dc.description.abstractThis article discusses three different cases of Lithuanian polymusic, all connected to the rites of passage. They are all in some way related to the lamentation tradition of funeral and wedding rituals. During funerals polymusic can be heard in the interweaving of laments and Catholic hymns. Instances of polymusic that occur at weddings are more numerous and varied when singing-lamenting, singing-playing instruments, or lamenting-singing-playing and so on are combined during one ritual act. A comparison of polymusic at Lithuanian weddings with examples from other nations offers possible interpretations as to the meanings of the Lithuanian examples in a ritual context. In the third, atypical case of polymusic, different genres – a so-called lament and a song that resembles a dancing tune – are heard not in parallel, but alternately. On one hand, it would seem that such a performance appears to go against the concept of polymusic, but on the other, the form of alternate singing is considered to be the source of polyphony. Thus, the author argues that this case can also be considered alongside other examples of polymusic (especially since two different wedding actors perform the two “pieces” of different genres in the alternating singing example).
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Regional Development Funden
dc.description.sponsorshipCenter of Excellence for Estonian Studiesen
dc.description.sponsorshipRepublic of Estonia, Ministry of Cultureen
dc.description.sponsorshipEesti Vabariik, Kultuuriministeeriumet
dc.publisherEesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
dc.publisherEesti Muusikateaduse Selts
dc.relation.ispartofRes Musica : Eesti Muusikateaduse Seltsi ja Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduslik aastaraamat
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estoniaen
dc.titleRelics of Lithuanian Polymusic: An Analysis of Three Cases
dc.title.alternativeLeedu polümuusika reliktid: kolme juhtumi analüüs
