Delta õppehoone visualisatsioon – visuaalsed efektid
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Käesolev töö kirjeldab aastal 2017 alanud Delta õppehoone visualisatsiooni projekti täius-tamist. Töö käigus optimeeriti visualisatsiooni valgustust ja loodi uusi ilmastiku efekte. Võrreldakse Unity mängumootori erinevaid valgustamise võimalusi. Lisati igasse hoone õp-peruumi oma valgustus, et oleks võimalik valgust sisse-välja lülitada. Loodi uued lume ja vihma efektid kasutades varjutajat. Töö lõppeb visualisatsiooni jõudluse testimisega ja visauaalste efektide testimisega kasutajate peal.
This thesis is improvement to Delta building visualization project, which started in 2017. During work for this thesis the visualization lighting and weather effects was optimized. The thesis compares different lighting strategies in Unity game engine. Lighting to every room was added such that light is toggleable. The thesis describes the process to make im-proved snow and rain effects using shaders. The thesis concludes with performance testing and visual testing on users.
This thesis is improvement to Delta building visualization project, which started in 2017. During work for this thesis the visualization lighting and weather effects was optimized. The thesis compares different lighting strategies in Unity game engine. Lighting to every room was added such that light is toggleable. The thesis describes the process to make im-proved snow and rain effects using shaders. The thesis concludes with performance testing and visual testing on users.