Eesti Raadio lastesaated 1946–1970

dc.contributor.advisorHarro-Loit, Halliki, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorMihkelsaar, Meelika
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondet
dc.descriptionMy Bachelor Thesis is a comprehensive survey about the children´s broadcasts on Estonian Radio in the years of 1946 to 1970. The first paragraph shortly describes the radio as a specific medium and its influences on the children, the functions of the broadcasts and the Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) used in the main analyzation. In the second paragraph I have tried to give background information that would help to put the era´s children´s broadcasts into the contemporary social context – it is described the society´s background by the time as well as the role of journalism in the society. I have also taken a deeper view into the ER´s role and importance amongst the other mediums. Already in the 1960s the board of Estonian Radio started to get interested in the ratings of their programs. The survey concerning of children´s broadcasts was made in 1967 - its results have shortly been referred in the second paragraph of the current study. The last sub- paragraph of the second main paragraph expands the position of the radio´s editorial desk in the structure of the ER and also the structural changes that occurred. The most important change for the children´s broadcast editor desk happened in 1953 when the editors of children and youth programmes were separated. In the new structure the children´s programmes were to lead by art editors, youth programmes became a part of the editor desk dealing with political programmes. The third paragraph mainly focuses on methods and description of the material used in the survey. The fourth paragraph gives a clarifying view about the children broadcasts in 1927-1970. Although the period from 1927 to 1945 was not the survey objective in my thesis, I have expanded it shortly, considering it impossible to describe the changes that have taken place in the content of radio programs and genres without knowing the previous periods. Periodising is mainly based on a current political situation of every period. The fifth paragraph consists of various parts. In the sub-paragraph I have contemplated the amendment requirements for children broadcasts presented in the Radio Committee board member guidings in 1950s. The macroanalysis of the programmes divides into 2 macroanalysis´ of two separate periods (1946 to 1957 and 1958 to 1970). In the macroanalysis it has been viewed into programmes´ themes, genres, structure, interpersonal communication with the listener, the functions of programmes and the values and ideals presented in radio broadcasts. Microanalysis is divided into two parts based on the diversity of two different parts. Microanalysis focuses on the variability of vocabulary ja grammar, the our-discourse content, the social identities of the participiants and the themes given by children in the viewed broadcasts. In the last sub-paragraph I have juxtaposed the described era´s broadcasts with the program called „Children´s Sayings” („Lapsesuu”) which is currently in the ER´s programme this season (May 2007). Survey conclusions. The main principles of how to make a radio programme have changed a lot within the years. If the first radio broadcast was often only (starting from 1927) about reading out of fictional texts or playing music, then in the 1960´s many qualitative changes happened. The children´s broadcasts transformed into live programmes which were to stimulate the radio listeners to participate in making the radio programmes. The best example of this improvement would obviously be the broadcast „Poiste Klubi” („Boys´ Club”) that first appeared on the programme in 1967. Nevertheless quite good examples can also be the live chess plays, literature contests and quizzes put into the programmes that all required people´s active participation. The functions of the radio broadcasts massively changed in time. The programs in 1946 – 1957 are severely distinguished by the fact that ideological themes were violently forced into every broadcasting programme. The radio programmes from 1957 to 1970s are rather apolitical, programmes holding an ideological function separate into specific series, educational and entertaining programs and series begin to dominate instead. The natural part of a children´s broadcast was the children´s interviews. In 1960s it was started to concentrate on children´s participation - it became significant to give an opportunity to children themselves to make and broadcast programmes. The radio organised contests for children to find the radio performers, a few programmes were made where both creators and performers were exclusively children.en
dc.identifierMihkelsaar, Meelika (2007) Eesti Raadio lastesaated 1946–1970. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.subject20. saj. 2. poolet
dc.titleEesti Raadio lastesaated 1946–1970et


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