Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis

dc.contributor.authorVahe, Mariliis
dc.descriptionThe main goal of this thesis was to map the reception context of social marketing communication programs that is expressed in individual’s beliefs and interpretation of social marketing projects and organisation’s social responsibility. I assumed that these beliefs and interpretations are used also in reception of concrete social campaigns. For now the main emphasise in Estonia is laid on communication programmes that are based on influencing individual behaviour. But what perspectives do social marketing programmes have that are based on networks and which have gained popularity in Western societies. This master thesis is a pilot research, as social marketing has not been studied from the position of the consumers. The empirical material is based on ten interviews with consumers and also two expert interviews with the leaders of Estonian biggest children’s funds were made for collecting background information. The research showed that the interpretation of social marketing programmes depends largely on individual’s values. More individualistic individuals are motivated by their own benefit and find that with wide and long-term communication social marketing programmes can change the norms in society and influence individual behaviour. More collectivistic respondents interpret social responsibility as a moral duty that an organisation will have when it reaches to certain stadium in its development. The social campaigns that are directed to the development of social networks are more understandable for them. The main conclusion of the thesis is that in Estonia there is output to short-term individual behaviour based social communication as well as to social campaigns that are directed to building networks and producing social capital. Which kind social marketing to use depends on individual’s collectivistic-individualistic values. As the younger and with higher social status generation (that usually have lauder “voice” in the society) values mostly individualistic values, the interpretation that is oriented in short-term individual behaviour and that emphasises organisation’s position may dominate for a long time in social marketing. But at the same time network-based approach has more potential in the groups that are older, less secured and that have more collectivistic values.
dc.identifierVahe, Mariliis (2004) Sotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis. Masters thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleSotsiaalturunduse ja sotsiaalse vastutuse võimalikud tõlgendusviisid Eestis


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