gPathways: bioloogiliste radade vaheliste ühenduste visualiseerimise ja identifitseerimise tööriist
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Molekulaarbiolooia katsed 'omics' vallas, sisaldavad alati katse seisukohast olulisi geenijärjendit. Neid geenijärjendeid uuritakse edasi ühe või mitme arvutusliku meetodiga, et saada lisa informatsiooni geenide kohta.
Üks selliseid meetodeid on päringud bioloogiliste radade andmebaasis. Vastavates andmebaasides sisaldub oluline info proteiinide kohta, mis osalevad protsessis, kus toimub jada reaktsioone molekulide vahel, mis viivad produktini. Sellised reaktsioonid toimuvad igas rakus konstantselt.
Hetke tööriistad, mis pärivad geenijärjendeid radade andmebaasist, näitavad tabeleid geenide seostest radadega. Tööriistad pakuvad ka võrgustiku visualiseerimist geenide baasil, radade analüüsist.
Meie eesmärk oli arendada uudne interaktiivne veebirakendus radade omavaheliste ühenduste visualiseerimiseks ja bioloogiliste radade pärimiseks, globaalses kontekstis. Me summeerime kõik geenid rajas graafi punktina ja servad väljendavad radade vahelisi ühendusi. Rakendus näitab geeni päringute tulemusi ja annab selge ülevaate radade andmestikust, jättes võimaluse pärida ja vaadata detaile. Ülalmainitud graafiliselt rikkalik funktsionaalsus implementeeriti gPathways rakenduses, millele saab ligi lingilt
Molecular biology experiments involving 'omics' studies always yield in several gene lists that are important for their study. These gene lists have to be further explored by one or many computational methods to gather additional information about the genes. One such method is to query a biological pathway database. These databases have important information about proteins which are involved in a process where a series of reactions occur between the molecule sthat are guided by proteins leading to a product. Such reactions are happening in every cell constantly. The current available tools can query a gene list on a pathway database and will result in a table showing genes associated to different pathways. The tools can also provide network visualization on gene interactions from pathway analysis. Our aim was to develop a novel interactive web-application tool for querying and visualising all pathways and their interconnectedness in a global context. We summarized all genes in a pathway as node and the edges represented the relationships between the pathways. The application also shows the result of querying genes, provide a clear overview of pathway data, while maintaining ability to query and zoom into details. Graphical rich functionalities, mentioned above, were implemented in gPathways which can be accessed from the link
Molecular biology experiments involving 'omics' studies always yield in several gene lists that are important for their study. These gene lists have to be further explored by one or many computational methods to gather additional information about the genes. One such method is to query a biological pathway database. These databases have important information about proteins which are involved in a process where a series of reactions occur between the molecule sthat are guided by proteins leading to a product. Such reactions are happening in every cell constantly. The current available tools can query a gene list on a pathway database and will result in a table showing genes associated to different pathways. The tools can also provide network visualization on gene interactions from pathway analysis. Our aim was to develop a novel interactive web-application tool for querying and visualising all pathways and their interconnectedness in a global context. We summarized all genes in a pathway as node and the edges represented the relationships between the pathways. The application also shows the result of querying genes, provide a clear overview of pathway data, while maintaining ability to query and zoom into details. Graphical rich functionalities, mentioned above, were implemented in gPathways which can be accessed from the link