Liivi kirjakeele kujunemine
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Väitekiri „Liivi kirjakeele kujunemine“ jälgib liivi kirjakeele arenemist alates esimeste liivikeelsete raamatute ilmumisest kuni viimaste katkematut kirjakeele traditsiooni jätkanud liivikeelsete allikateni. Ajaliselt hõlmab see ajavahemikku alates 1863. aastast kuni aastani 1982. Liivi kirjakeele arengu kajastamisel lähtub uurimus kahest aspektist. Esimeseks on kirjakeele ja selle allikate kujunemislugu – ajalooline taust, allikate valmimise käigus osalenud isikud ja erinevad allikate väljaandmisega seotud asjaolud. Teiseks aspektiks on allikates kasutatud keeleliste iseärasuste väljaselgitamine ja kõrvutamine eesmärgiga saada ülevaade liivi kirjakeele arendamisel toimunud üldisest arengust ja kasutatud põhimõtetest, milleks on kasutatud 23 liivi kirjakeelega seotud fonoloogia-, morfoloogia- ja leksikaalast tunnusjoont. Kokku on vaadeldud 29 allikat, sh 19 trükist, 2 perioodilist väljaannet, 6 käsikirja ja 2 tundmatut käsikirja, mille olemasolu kohta on andmeid, kuid mida ei ole seni õnnestunud tuvastada. Samuti sisaldab uurimus kokkuvõtte varasematest liivi kirjakeele alal tehtud ja liivi kirjakeele allikaid uurimismaterjalina kasutanud uurimustest ja pärast 1982. aastat ilmunud kirjakeelsetest väljaannetest. Uurimus annab üksikasjaliku ülevaate iga selles vaadeldud liivi kirjakeele allika kujunemisloost ja selles kasutatud keelelistest põhimõtetest, lisaks esitab see ka kirjakeele üldist arengut iseloomustava koondkokkuvõte kõikide uurimuses vaadeldud tunnuste lõikes.
The thesis „Development of Livonian literary language” discusses the history and development of Livonian literary language from the first publications to present times, covering the period between 1863 and 1982. The discussion covers two major facets of the subject: the first is the creation of the literary Livonian language and its sources – the socio-historical background, the individuals who created the written sources and the various publishing circumstances; secondly, the study concentrates on delineating and comparing the peculiarities of language used in the sources in order to get an overview about the general develop¬ments in the process of creating literary Livonian and the principles that have been applied in the course of that process. The 23 identifiers of phonology, morphology and lexicology have been used for this reason. The corpus of work is comprised of 29 sources all together, including 19 publications, 2 periodic publications, 6 manuscripts and data on 2 missing manuscripts. The thesis also includes a summary of previous research on Livonian literary language, its sources and the publications in Livonian that have been issued since the year 1982. The research gives a separate, in-depth overview of each source of literary Livonian language and the linguistic principals used in them, also presenting a summary of the general development of the written language from all the aspects of the identifiers examined in the thesis.
The thesis „Development of Livonian literary language” discusses the history and development of Livonian literary language from the first publications to present times, covering the period between 1863 and 1982. The discussion covers two major facets of the subject: the first is the creation of the literary Livonian language and its sources – the socio-historical background, the individuals who created the written sources and the various publishing circumstances; secondly, the study concentrates on delineating and comparing the peculiarities of language used in the sources in order to get an overview about the general develop¬ments in the process of creating literary Livonian and the principles that have been applied in the course of that process. The 23 identifiers of phonology, morphology and lexicology have been used for this reason. The corpus of work is comprised of 29 sources all together, including 19 publications, 2 periodic publications, 6 manuscripts and data on 2 missing manuscripts. The thesis also includes a summary of previous research on Livonian literary language, its sources and the publications in Livonian that have been issued since the year 1982. The research gives a separate, in-depth overview of each source of literary Livonian language and the linguistic principals used in them, also presenting a summary of the general development of the written language from all the aspects of the identifiers examined in the thesis.
dissertatsioonid, filoloogia, liivi keel, kirjakeel