2005. aasta jaanuaritormiga seotud emotsioonide ja müütide representatsioon fookusrühmavestlustes kriisipsühholoogia aspektist lähtudes

dc.contributor.advisorUgur, Kadri, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorSieberk, Anu
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.descriptionRepresentation of the emotions and myths of the January-storm in 2005 in the focus group interviews from the aspect of crisis psychology. Key words: emotions, actions, interpretations, January-storm, focus groups. The goal of the Bachelor’s thesis was to compare the emotions, actions and interpretations described in the focus groups in connection with the January-storm. There were five focus groups: the young people who suffered material losses, the young people who did not suffer material losses, the middle-aged, and the elderly who suffered material losses and the elderly who did not. The author considers it important to point out that the interviews were conducted by Halliki Harro Loit, the associate professor of the institution of journalism and communication in University of Tartu and Triin Vihalemm, the associate professor of social communication during the project „Defining the target groups for crisis communication“. The author used the same conversations of the focus groups as the source for the Bachelor’s thesis. The author compared the focus groups to find similarities and differences among them. In the first paragraph, the author gives an overview from the January-storm facts and also about the crisis communication which held place during January-storm. In theory the author explained the characteristics of different phases of the traumatic crisis. Also the individuality of persons as a part of human nature was pointed out since knowledge, social surroundings and character vary from person to person. In theory the author also gave overview of Halliki Harro-Loit’s and Triin Vihalemm’s results and composed the research questions. The author analyzed the actions, emotions and interpretations described in the focus groups based on the theory part and the raised questions. To clarify the results, the author divided the January-storm in paragraph three into three phases: from the storm warning until the flood, from the beginning of the flood until the end, after the flood. As a result of the qualitative content analyze, in paragraph four the author brought out the similarities and peculiarities of the focus groups and illustrated these with representative quotes. The author placed emphasis on the myths that emerged about the January-storm when analyzing the different focus groups. In the results of the analyze it became obvious that the interpretations about the January-storm vary greatly among the young and the elderly. In the part of conclusions and discussion the author finds that the raised questions were answered. In the author’s opinion people should lay more stress on crisis psychology when speaking or writing about natural disasters. When writing this Bachelor’s thesis the author found approval to the fact that journalist, who reflect traumatic events, should have the base knowledge in crisis psychology. Also, when the crisis plan is drawn up, there should be considered with the crisis psychology.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subject.othermentaalne representatsioonet
dc.title2005. aasta jaanuaritormiga seotud emotsioonide ja müütide representatsioon fookusrühmavestlustes kriisipsühholoogia aspektist lähtudeset


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