Major depression in family medicine: associated factors, recurrence and possible intervention
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Käesoleva töö põhieesmärgiks oli leida depressiooniga seotud ja seda mõjutavad tegurid perearsti patsientidel. Selleks analüüsisime, millised haigused kaasuvad sagedamini depressiooniga, kuidas depressioon mõjutab patsientide töövõimelisust, millised tegurid on seotud depressiooni kordumisega ning milline on depressiooni ja kehalise aktiivsuse seos.
Uurimisgrupi moodustasid 1094 järjestikust perearsti vastuvõtule pöördunud patsienti vanuses 18-75 eluaastat ning depressiooni olemasolu kindlaks tegemiseks kasutasime Rahvusvahelist Diagnostilist Liitintervjuud (CIDI).
Töö tulemustest võib järeldada, et depressiooniga haiged külastasid oma perearsti sama sagedusega kui depressioonita haiged, kuid olid oluliselt kauem töövõimatuslehel ja hindasid oma tervist halvemaks. Võrreldes omavahel depressiooniga ja depressioonita patsientide kaasuvate haiguste arvu ja haiguste gruppe, olulisi erinevusi me ei leidnud. Umbes kolmandikul depressiooniga haigetest esines korduva depressiooni episood ühe aasta jooksul. Tegurid, mis seostusid depressiooni kordumisega olid narkootiliste ravimite kasutamine, diskrimineerimine ja väärkohtlemine lapseeas. Enam tähelepanu peaks pöörama patsientidele, kellel esinevad eelpool nimetatud tegurid. Vaatamata sellele, et depressiooniga patsientide kehalise aktiivsuse tase ja nende motivatsioon alustada regulaarse kehalise tegevusega oli madal, parandas regulaarne kehaline aktiivsus uuritavate kehalise võimekuse taset ja meeleolu. Seetõttu võib regulaarset kehalist aktiivsust kasutada depressiooni mõjutamiseks perearsti patsientidel.
The general aim of this study was to find out factors that are associated with or influence depression in family practice attendees. Therefore, we attempted to clarify, whether co-morbidity and disability are more prevalent in depressed than in non-depressed patients; to determine factors associated with recurrent depression; and to study physical activity as one possible method used as intervention for depressed patients in family medicine. The study group consisted of consecutive primary care patients (N=1094), aged 18-75 years, who sought consultation from their family doctor. The occurrence of depression was assessed by using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). From the results it could be concluded that depressed patients consulted their family doctor almost as often as non-depressed patients but their working ability was decreased. Also, depressed patients evaluated their health general by as poorer than non-depressed patients. Co-morbidity was prevalent among depressed patients but we did not find any differences in the number and pattern of co-morbid diagnoses between depressed and non-depressed patients. About one-third of the depressed patients had a recurrent episode of major depression one year later. The factors predicting recurrence included drug abuse, discrimination, and childhood abuse. These factors should be taken into account by family doctors when managing patients with depression. Although, the level of physical activity of depressed patients as well as their motivation to exercise regularly were low, regular physical activity increased their fitness and improved their mood. Therefore, regular physical activity could be used as possible intervention for depressed patients in family medicine.
The general aim of this study was to find out factors that are associated with or influence depression in family practice attendees. Therefore, we attempted to clarify, whether co-morbidity and disability are more prevalent in depressed than in non-depressed patients; to determine factors associated with recurrent depression; and to study physical activity as one possible method used as intervention for depressed patients in family medicine. The study group consisted of consecutive primary care patients (N=1094), aged 18-75 years, who sought consultation from their family doctor. The occurrence of depression was assessed by using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). From the results it could be concluded that depressed patients consulted their family doctor almost as often as non-depressed patients but their working ability was decreased. Also, depressed patients evaluated their health general by as poorer than non-depressed patients. Co-morbidity was prevalent among depressed patients but we did not find any differences in the number and pattern of co-morbid diagnoses between depressed and non-depressed patients. About one-third of the depressed patients had a recurrent episode of major depression one year later. The factors predicting recurrence included drug abuse, discrimination, and childhood abuse. These factors should be taken into account by family doctors when managing patients with depression. Although, the level of physical activity of depressed patients as well as their motivation to exercise regularly were low, regular physical activity increased their fitness and improved their mood. Therefore, regular physical activity could be used as possible intervention for depressed patients in family medicine.
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doktoritööd, meditsiin, depressioon, peremeditsiin