Hip fracture rehabilitation during 2009–2017 in Estonia
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Reieluu puusaliigese piirkonna murd on üks kõige sagedasemaid ja raskemaid traumasid eakatel. Sellise murruga haigete prognoos on tõsine – murrust taastumine võib võtta üle aasta. Suurel osal haigetest ei taastu varasem kehaline võimekus, mistõttu väheneb või kaob nende iseseisvus igapäevatoimetustega hakkamasaamisel. Eelnevast tulenevalt on sellise murruga haigete ravi üks alussammastest järjepidev, koordineeritud taastusravi. Eestis saab iga päev keskmiselt 3–4 inimest sellise murru diagnoosi. Varasemalt on leitud, et siinsete haigete ravitulemused on võrdlemisi kasinad, mis võivad olla tingitud puudulikust ravikäsitlusest. See-eest on ravikäsitlus, seal hulgas taastusravi, Eestis põhjalikult uurimata. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärk oli hinnata esmase reieluu puusaliigese piirkonna murru diagnoosiga haigete taastusravi Eestis aastatel 2009–2017 ja selle vastavust rahvusvaheliste ravijuhiste soovitustele. Täpsemalt keskenduti osutatud füsioteraapia mahu uurimisele. Lisaks hinnati antud diagnoosiga haigete elulemust.
Uuringusse kaasati 11 491 haiget, kelle taastusravi oli vastuolus mitmes rahvusvahelises ravijuhises toodud soovitustega. Aktiiv- ja järelravis nägi füsioteraapia pakkumine välja järgmine: 8-päevane aktiivravi oli võrdlemisi lühike, jättes enamiku taastumisest järelravi kanda. Aktiivravi ajal ei saanud 24% haigetest füsioteraapiat. Aktiivravi järel ei saanud 60% haigetest füsioteraapiat ning ülejäänud said seda võrdlemisi väikeses koguses (mediaan 6 tundi). Lisaks esines mitmekordne maakondade vaheline ja sisene ebavõrdsus peale aktiivravi kasutatud füsioteraapia mahus. Ajaliste suundumuste analüüs näitas probleemide püsimist või süvenemist üheksa-aastasel perioodil: 2017. aastal ei saanud pooled haigetest endiselt aktiivravi järel füsioteraapiat; füsioteraapiatundide jagumise ebaühtlustumist haigete vahel; maakondade vaheline ja sisene ebavõrdsus säilis või hoopiski suurenes. Puudulik taastusravi võib selgitada vaadeldud diagnoosiga haigete võrdlemisi kõrget suremust alates kolmandast kuust pärast murdu. Kokkuvõttes esinesid Eestis olulised puudujäägid reieluu puusaliigese piirkonna murru ravi ühes alussambas, taastusravis. Doktoritöö tulemused näitavad vajadust praeguse süsteemi ulatuslikuks korrastamiseks.
Hip fracture is one of the most common and serious injuries in the elderly. It can lead to severe consequences, and its recovery may take over a year. These patients often do not recover in full, meaning that some of them lose their independent living. Therefore, ongoing, coordinated rehabilitation is one of the fundamental care pillars of hip fracture management. Each day, 3-4 people sustain a hip fracture in Estonia, and these patients’ relatively poor outcomes have been reported. The poor outcomes may due to insufficient case management; however, their care, especially rehabilitation, is not examined in detail. The study aimed to evaluate index hip fracture management during 2009-2017 in Estonia, focusing in particular on rehabilitation and its compliance with the international guidelines. The study focused on these patients’ physical therapy use and mortality. The study included 11,491 patients, and their rehabilitation conflicted with the recommendations of multiple international guidelines. An eight-day-long acute care was relatively short, leaving most of the recovery for the post-acute phase. Nonetheless, a quarter of the patients received no physical therapy during acute care. Most of the patients, 60%, received no physical therapy during post-acute care, and the remainder received a relatively small amount, a median of 6 hours. Patients’ post-acute rehabilitation was limited due to the wide use of suboptimal hospital care. Moreover, the analyses revealed multi-fold inter- and intra-regional disparities in post-acute physical therapy use. Intra-regional disparities show the unequal allocation of rehabilitation resources within the counties of Estonia. The aforementioned issues persisted the whole nine-year-spanning study period: only half of index hip fracture patients received post-acute rehabilitation in the final year of the study; the inequality in the division of physical therapy resources increased among its receivers, and large inter-regional and intra-regional disparities remained persistent or even increased. Consequently, hip fracture management is lacking one of its fundamental care pillars – ongoing, coordinated post-acute care that prevents these patients from availing essential rehabilitation. To improve the situation, there is a need for system-wide improvements.
Hip fracture is one of the most common and serious injuries in the elderly. It can lead to severe consequences, and its recovery may take over a year. These patients often do not recover in full, meaning that some of them lose their independent living. Therefore, ongoing, coordinated rehabilitation is one of the fundamental care pillars of hip fracture management. Each day, 3-4 people sustain a hip fracture in Estonia, and these patients’ relatively poor outcomes have been reported. The poor outcomes may due to insufficient case management; however, their care, especially rehabilitation, is not examined in detail. The study aimed to evaluate index hip fracture management during 2009-2017 in Estonia, focusing in particular on rehabilitation and its compliance with the international guidelines. The study focused on these patients’ physical therapy use and mortality. The study included 11,491 patients, and their rehabilitation conflicted with the recommendations of multiple international guidelines. An eight-day-long acute care was relatively short, leaving most of the recovery for the post-acute phase. Nonetheless, a quarter of the patients received no physical therapy during acute care. Most of the patients, 60%, received no physical therapy during post-acute care, and the remainder received a relatively small amount, a median of 6 hours. Patients’ post-acute rehabilitation was limited due to the wide use of suboptimal hospital care. Moreover, the analyses revealed multi-fold inter- and intra-regional disparities in post-acute physical therapy use. Intra-regional disparities show the unequal allocation of rehabilitation resources within the counties of Estonia. The aforementioned issues persisted the whole nine-year-spanning study period: only half of index hip fracture patients received post-acute rehabilitation in the final year of the study; the inequality in the division of physical therapy resources increased among its receivers, and large inter-regional and intra-regional disparities remained persistent or even increased. Consequently, hip fracture management is lacking one of its fundamental care pillars – ongoing, coordinated post-acute care that prevents these patients from availing essential rehabilitation. To improve the situation, there is a need for system-wide improvements.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
thigh bone, bone fractures, follow-up treatment, medical rehabilitation, health care services, patients, mortality, Estonia