Soil aggregate formation in soils derived from loess reclamation
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Pealmaakaevandustes ehk karjäärides kaevandamise lõppemisel on tänapäeval reeglina nõutav kaevandamise käigus hävitatud maastiku taastamine või korrastamine. Peamiselt kasutatakse söekarjääride rekultiveerimisel substraadina söekihi peal lasunud geoloogilisi kihte, mille abil hakatakse mullageneesi ehk mulla arenemist taastama. Mullageneesi kulgemise tingimused sõltuvad lähtematerjali omadustest, mille esialgne struktuur, keemilised ja bioloogilised parameetrid on enamasti võrreldavad toitaine vaeste ja erodeeritud muldade omadustega. Mulla arenemine on kompleksne biogeokeemiline protsess, mille tulemuslikkust ei saa mõõta üksnes mullaviljakusele tuginedes, vaid võimekusest säilitada mullastruktuuri ja funktsionaalsust pikema ajaperioodi vältel. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärk on hinnata mullastruktuuri arenemist mullageneesi alghetkest, kui mulla orgaanilise aine sisaldus on madal ning füüsikalis-keemilised parameetrid peegeldavad eelkõige lähtematerjali omadusi. Mullageneesi hindamiseks analüüsitakse rekultiveeritud mulla lasuvustiheduse muutust, mulla orgaanilise süsiniku (Corg) dünaamikat, mullastruktuuri arenemist ja agregaatide teket aegreas. Käesolevas doktoritöös uuriti mulla arenemist Garzweileri (Saksamaa) rekultiveeritud karjääri aladel, kus ala korrastamise lähtematerjalina kasutati lössi ja alad taastati põllumajanduslikul eesmärgil kasutamiseks. Rekultiveeritud aladelt valiti aegreana kuus erinevat uurimisala (0, 1, 3, 6, 12 ja 24 aastat rekultiveerimisest), mis peegeldavad mullaarenemise erinevaid etappe. Käesoleva doktoritöö eesmärkide saavutatumiseks on läbi viidud kolmest iseseisvast uurimistööst koosnev uuringutsükkel.
After the termination of open-cast mining, geological deposits lying above the coal layer are used in reclamation procedures as a new substrate for initializing soil formation. Soil formation after land restoration begins from the initial state of the parent material which is mostly characterized by destructed soil structure and its basic chemical and biological properties. Soil development in destructed soil is a complex biogeochemical process and successful reclamation is not only achieved by establishing sufficient state of soil fertility, but rather sustaining stable soil structure and soil functionality for a longer time period. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the soil structural development from the initial state of soil formation, when soil organic matter concentration is low and soil physicochemical properties are controlled by the parent material. We investigated young reclaimed loess soils by using a space-for-time chronosequence approach in agriculturally reclaimed sites in Garzweiler, Germany. We selected fields with six different soil formation stages (0, 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 years after the first seeding of alfalfa) to examine soil formation factors along with ongoing biogeochemical processes. The objectives of the doctoral thesis were achieved by three independent studies.
After the termination of open-cast mining, geological deposits lying above the coal layer are used in reclamation procedures as a new substrate for initializing soil formation. Soil formation after land restoration begins from the initial state of the parent material which is mostly characterized by destructed soil structure and its basic chemical and biological properties. Soil development in destructed soil is a complex biogeochemical process and successful reclamation is not only achieved by establishing sufficient state of soil fertility, but rather sustaining stable soil structure and soil functionality for a longer time period. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the soil structural development from the initial state of soil formation, when soil organic matter concentration is low and soil physicochemical properties are controlled by the parent material. We investigated young reclaimed loess soils by using a space-for-time chronosequence approach in agriculturally reclaimed sites in Garzweiler, Germany. We selected fields with six different soil formation stages (0, 1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 years after the first seeding of alfalfa) to examine soil formation factors along with ongoing biogeochemical processes. The objectives of the doctoral thesis were achieved by three independent studies.
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Dissertatsioon on kaitstud Müncheni Tehnikaülikoolis
Dissertatsioon on kaitstud Müncheni Tehnikaülikoolis