How layers of meaning affect museum translation: semiotic-translational perspectives
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Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus
Tartu Ülikool
University of Tartu
Tartu Ülikool
University of Tartu
Doktoritöö eesmärk on rajada tõlkesemiootiline lähenemine muuseumitõlkele. Väitekirjas mõtestatakse muuseumitõlget multidistsiplinaarse nähtusena, millel on nii teoreetilised järelmid kui ka praktilised väljundid. Selleks et mõista, kuidas muuseumi eri tähenduskihte mõtestatakse ja tõlgitakse avaramas kui pelgalt keelelise tõlke raamistikus, ühendatakse uurimistöös tõlketeaduse ja semiootika lähenemisviisid.
Töö aluseks on kaks uurimisküsimust: esiteks, „Kuidas kirjeldada, mõtestada ja piiritleda muuseumitõlget tõlketeaduse, semiootika ning teiste valdkondade, näiteks museoloogia vaatepunktist?“ ja teiseks, „Millised on muuseumitõlke avarama kontseptsiooni praktilised rakendusvõimalused?“.
Esimene küsimus on aluseks teema teoreetilisele käsitlusele ning sellele on pühendatud väitekirja kaks esimest artiklit. Esimene artikkel, „Museum Translation: A Combined Translation Studies and Semiotics Perspective“, käsitleb tõlketeaduse ja semiootika vaatenurki muuseumile ning toob esiplaanile tõlkimise kui semiotiseerimise ja uute tähenduste loomise muuseumi kontekstis. Teine artikkel, „Conceptualizing Museum Translation: Cultural Translation, Interlingual Processes, and Other Perspectives“, laiendab teemat, käsitledes muuseumit kui kultuurilise tõlke ja ülekande ruumi.
Teine uurimisküsimus keskendub muuseumitõlke praktilistele rakendusvõimalustele. Väitekirja kolmas artikkel, „Translation as Metonymic Cultural Transmission: The Case of the Istanbul Archaeology Museums“, uurib, kuidas ilmnevad muuseumi väljapanekus kultuurilised ja poliitilised muutused nende metonüümiliste representatsioonide kaudu. Neljas artikkel võtab fookusse transmeedialisuse, intersemiootilise tõlke ja transkreatsiooni mõisted ning näitab, kuidas vastavad praktikad loovad uusi tähendusi ja kujundavad muuseumireaalsust.
This dissertation aims to develop a semiotic and translation studies perspective on museum translation, viewing museum translation as a multidisciplinary phenomenon that is both theoretically and practically applicable. The research combines Translation Studies and Semiotics to understand how layers of meaning in museums can be translated and interpreted, expanding the concept of translation beyond conventional linguistic boundaries. The research questions are: “How can the boundaries of museum translation be described, theorized, and defined through Translation Studies, Semiotics, and related disciplines such as Museology?” and “What are some practical applications of a broader concept of museum translation from a holistic perspective?” The first question is explored theoretically in the first two articles. The first article, “Museum Translation: A Combined Translation Studies and Semiotics Perspective,” examines how translation in museums leads to semiosis and the creation of new meanings, highlighting the role of Semiotics in this process. The second article, “Conceptualizing Museum Translation: Cultural Translation, Interlingual Processes, and Other Perspectives,” investigates museums as spaces for cultural translation and transfer, expanding the concept of translation beyond traditional linguistic boundaries. The second question focuses on the practical application of museum translation. The third article, “Translation as Metonymic Cultural Transmission: The Case of the Istanbul Archaeology Museums,” explores how cultural and political changes in museum exhibitions are represented through metonymic representations. The fourth article, “‘Poetically Well-Built Museums’: Transmedial Storytelling and World-Building in The Museum of Innocence,” applies transmediation, intersemiotic translation, and transcreation to a specific museum, demonstrating how these practices can create new meanings and shape the reality of a museum.
This dissertation aims to develop a semiotic and translation studies perspective on museum translation, viewing museum translation as a multidisciplinary phenomenon that is both theoretically and practically applicable. The research combines Translation Studies and Semiotics to understand how layers of meaning in museums can be translated and interpreted, expanding the concept of translation beyond conventional linguistic boundaries. The research questions are: “How can the boundaries of museum translation be described, theorized, and defined through Translation Studies, Semiotics, and related disciplines such as Museology?” and “What are some practical applications of a broader concept of museum translation from a holistic perspective?” The first question is explored theoretically in the first two articles. The first article, “Museum Translation: A Combined Translation Studies and Semiotics Perspective,” examines how translation in museums leads to semiosis and the creation of new meanings, highlighting the role of Semiotics in this process. The second article, “Conceptualizing Museum Translation: Cultural Translation, Interlingual Processes, and Other Perspectives,” investigates museums as spaces for cultural translation and transfer, expanding the concept of translation beyond traditional linguistic boundaries. The second question focuses on the practical application of museum translation. The third article, “Translation as Metonymic Cultural Transmission: The Case of the Istanbul Archaeology Museums,” explores how cultural and political changes in museum exhibitions are represented through metonymic representations. The fourth article, “‘Poetically Well-Built Museums’: Transmedial Storytelling and World-Building in The Museum of Innocence,” applies transmediation, intersemiotic translation, and transcreation to a specific museum, demonstrating how these practices can create new meanings and shape the reality of a museum.
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