The role of religious beliefs in shaping public attitudes toward EU integration in Serbia



Ajakirja pealkiri

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Köite pealkiri


Tartu Ülikool


This thesis examines how religious affiliation, particularly to the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC), influences public attitudes toward European Union membership in Serbia. The relatively low public support for EU integration in Serbia highlights the importance of identifying contributing factors. Religion emerges as a key determinant, especially in contexts where religious institutions have a significant impact on societal values and political preferences. The Serbian Orthodox Church, beyond its role as a religious authority, serves as a symbol that is deeply tied to Serbian national identity. The thesis uses data from the European Social Survey (ESS10) and applies quantitative methods, including logistic regression, interaction, and variance analysis, to assess the impact of religious affiliation on attitudes toward EU membership, with national attachment as a conditional effect. The findings reveal that being a Serb Orthodox alone does not significantly affect attitudes toward the EU, while religiosity plays a more important role, with higher levels of religiosity associated with stronger opposition to EU membership. Incorporating European attachment as an additional moderator provides a deeper and statistically significant interpretation of the conditional effect of national attachment; as European identity strengthens, the conditional effect of national attachment diminishes among Serb Orthodox individuals. Variability in attitudes was more pronounced among Serb Orthodox individuals, particularly those with higher levels of religiosity, reflecting greater ambivalence on the issue. Overall, the thesis highlights the critical role of religious faith and identity dynamics in shaping public opinion on EU membership in Serbia, offering valuable implications for policymakers aiming to bridge societal divides and strengthen support for EU integration.


