Tekstülesannete lahendamise programmi funktsionaalsuse täiendamine
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö sisuks on tekstülesannete lahendamise programmi TEKSTER
funktsionaalsuse laiendamine. TEKSTERi baasversiooni on loonud Evari Koppel 2006.
aastal bakalaureusetöö raames.
Töö käigus kirjeldatakse TEKSTERI baasversiooni lisatud täiendusi. Samuti seletatakse nii
käesoleva töö käigus valminud ülesannete koostamise programmi ülesehitust kui ka
andmete esitust.
Töö koosneb neljast peatükist. Esimeses peatükis kirjeldatakse baasversiooni kitsendusi ja
tuuakse välja rakendusele tehtud muudatused. Teises peatükis tutvustatakse ülesannete
koostamise programmi kasutajaliidest ja TEKSTERisse tehtud muudatusi. Kolmandas
peatükis kirjeldatakse programmi andmestruktuure ja ülesandefaili. Neljandas peatükis
tutvustatakse, millised on võimalused rakendust edasi arendada.
Lisana esitatakse täiendatud programm, ülesannete koostamise programm ja uuendatud
ülesannete kogumik.
The result of this bachelor work is an improved word problem solving environment. The basic version of the environment was made by E. Koppel in 2006. The added functionality includes: 1. Adding division arithmetic operation to the environment. 2. Adding decimal fraction calculation capability. 3. Adding the capability to save user’s solution and mistakes made during the solving. 4. Adding the functionality to generate variables used in exercises. 5. Creation of teacher’s program for creating word problems. The environment for solving word problems is aimed for elementary school children to help them solve word problems and familiarise them with using the computer. Current environment allows the user to solve word problems by calculating meaningful quantities step by step and then reaching the answer. The current constraints of the environment are that only mathematical operations with positive numbers are allowed.
The result of this bachelor work is an improved word problem solving environment. The basic version of the environment was made by E. Koppel in 2006. The added functionality includes: 1. Adding division arithmetic operation to the environment. 2. Adding decimal fraction calculation capability. 3. Adding the capability to save user’s solution and mistakes made during the solving. 4. Adding the functionality to generate variables used in exercises. 5. Creation of teacher’s program for creating word problems. The environment for solving word problems is aimed for elementary school children to help them solve word problems and familiarise them with using the computer. Current environment allows the user to solve word problems by calculating meaningful quantities step by step and then reaching the answer. The current constraints of the environment are that only mathematical operations with positive numbers are allowed.