Molecular identification of Collembola and their fungal associates
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Muld on mitmekesine elupaik, mis hõlmab suurt mikroobide ja loomade liigirikkust. Rikkalik mullaelustik on olulisel kohal paljudes looduslikes protsessides alates mulla kujundamisest ja lagundamisprotsessidest kuni mikrokliima reguleerimiseni. Molekulaarsete identifitseerimismeetodite areng on kaasa aidanud mullaorganismide tuvastamisele, mis võimaldavad määrata liike nii indiviidi kui ka koosluste tasemel. Oma doktoritöös uurisin ITS2 rakendatavust hooghännaliste (Collembola) määramisel, kuna vastava DNA lõiguga on potentsiaalselt võimalik mullaproovidest määrata samaaegselt mitmesugused eukarüootide rühmad liigi tasemele. Kuna hooghännalised on tihedalt seotud seenekooslustega (seened moodustavad olulise osa nende toidust), siis uurisin oma doktoritöös ka hooghännalistega seotud seenekoosluste ruumilist ja ajalist struktuuri kasutades nii seente kultuurides kasvatamise kui ka mass-sekveneerimise (HTS) meetodit. Vastavate HTS andmete lihtsaks ja kiireks bioinformaatiliste analüüside teostamiseks oli vaja välja töötada mass-sekveneerimisandmete töötlemise töölaud. Doktoritöö peamised tulemused ja järeldused on järgmised: 1) ITS2 lõik omab piisavat liikidevahelist erinevust, et eristada hooghännaliste liike; 2) hooghännalistega seotud seeneliikide tuvastamine on tõhusam mass-sekveneerimise meetodiga, mis tõi esile, et hooghännalised on seotud palju rohkemate seeneliikidega kui seni traditsiooniliste meetoditega kindlaks määratud; 3) tulenevalt seenekoosluste suktsessioonist on hooghännalistega seotud seenekoosluste struktuur ja liigirikkus mõjutatud nii sesoonist kui aastast; 4) töös kasutatud hooghännaliste liikide vahel ei tuvastatud toitumiseelistusi seente osas; 5) koostatud HTS andmete töötlemise programm võimaldas kiiret ja tõhusat DNA järjestuste töötlust.
Microbial and faunal communities are highly diverse in soils where they play fundamental roles in several ecosystem processes ranging from soil formation to microclimate regulation. The identification of small soil organisms has benefited from the development of molecular methods that enable identification of single species to whole communities. In this thesis, I examined the usefulness of the rDNA ITS2 subregion for identification purposes of Collembola, because of its potential for simultaneous use in metabarcoding surveys of multiple taxa. Moreover, this thesis addresses the spatial and temporal structure of Collembola-associated fungal communities as based on culturing and high-throughput sequencing (HTS). To simplify the HTS data analyses, one of the objectives of this thesis was the compilation of a user-friendly and flexible platform for bioinformatics analysis of custom high-throughput amplicon sequencing data. The main results and conclusions are the following: 1) the ITS2 barcoding marker provides sufficient resolution for discriminating among Collembola species; 2) HTS outperformed the culturing method in terms of recovering Collembola-associated fungal species, and it revealed that collembolans are associated with much higher diversity of fungi than previously anticipated; 3) the Collembola-associated fungal richness and community structure exhibited significant variation in different temporal scales, which probably reflects the succession of the litter fungal community; 4) diet specialization among the studied Collembola species was not evident, suggesting that these arthropods possess relatively opportunistic feeding behavior; 5) the compiled high-throughput amplicon sequencing data analysis platform enabled efficient bioinformatics workflow for the analysis of fungal ITS2 amplicons in soil and Collembola-associated samples.
Microbial and faunal communities are highly diverse in soils where they play fundamental roles in several ecosystem processes ranging from soil formation to microclimate regulation. The identification of small soil organisms has benefited from the development of molecular methods that enable identification of single species to whole communities. In this thesis, I examined the usefulness of the rDNA ITS2 subregion for identification purposes of Collembola, because of its potential for simultaneous use in metabarcoding surveys of multiple taxa. Moreover, this thesis addresses the spatial and temporal structure of Collembola-associated fungal communities as based on culturing and high-throughput sequencing (HTS). To simplify the HTS data analyses, one of the objectives of this thesis was the compilation of a user-friendly and flexible platform for bioinformatics analysis of custom high-throughput amplicon sequencing data. The main results and conclusions are the following: 1) the ITS2 barcoding marker provides sufficient resolution for discriminating among Collembola species; 2) HTS outperformed the culturing method in terms of recovering Collembola-associated fungal species, and it revealed that collembolans are associated with much higher diversity of fungi than previously anticipated; 3) the Collembola-associated fungal richness and community structure exhibited significant variation in different temporal scales, which probably reflects the succession of the litter fungal community; 4) diet specialization among the studied Collembola species was not evident, suggesting that these arthropods possess relatively opportunistic feeding behavior; 5) the compiled high-throughput amplicon sequencing data analysis platform enabled efficient bioinformatics workflow for the analysis of fungal ITS2 amplicons in soil and Collembola-associated samples.
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hooghännalised, seened, kooslused, mikroobikooslused, molekulaarbioloogia, mullamikrobioloogia, collembolans, mushrooms, community (biology), microbial communities, microbial communities, soil microbiology