Õpilaste kaasamine hindamisprotsessi käsitöös põhikooli III kooliastmes



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TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia


Involvement of students in the evaluation process in handicraft in the third grade of basic school. Evaluating learning outcomes in handicraft is difficult because there are many guidelines and principles, in addition there exist no uniform evaluation systems as well. Based on this, the aim of current Master's thesis is to create, in cooperation with the students, a sample evaluation model in handicraft in the third grade of basic school. Traditionally the assessment is teacher-centered. Based on the principle of the modern approach to learning, the involvement of students in the evaluation process is crucial. In the case of a non-inclusive student evaluation system, the student's self-assessment skills remain undeveloped and the student's self-development is not supported. In Estonia, there has been little research into the involvement of basic school III grade students in the evaluation process and its impact on the learning process and learning outcomes.



hindamismudelid, tööõpetus, hindamine, kolmas kooliaste
