SL Õhtulehe esikaane sõnumite seos üksikmüügi tulemusega

dc.contributor.advisorRaudsaar, Mart, juhendaja
dc.contributor.advisorNuust, Vallo, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorMäsak, Grete Kirsti
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.descriptionThe main conclusion of this bachelor’s thesis is that the front page topic of a tabloid newspaper undeniably affects its circulation. Methodologically the paper is based on both empirical and theoretical materials. First an overview is given of the market situation prior to the merger of the tabloid newspapers. Then the merger process and subsequent developments are described. The size of the readership of SLÕhtuleht is examined. Thereafter a summary of theoretical approaches follows. Interviews were conducted with employees involved in the production process of the newspaper, and the opinion of a design expert was included. Some British, Swedish and Norwegian tabloid newspapers were involved via questionnaires in order to study their experience relating to the composition of a front page. Based on the interviews, the process by which front page topic of SLÕhtuleht is developed, as well as the relationship between the front page topic and the headline, are examined. The factors behind circulation are determined and the process of forecasting the circulation of a newspaper is described. Also the reasons for a decrease in circulation are given. Front page headlines potentially beneficial or harmful to retail sales were proposed in the interviews. By juxtaposing the actual sales results with the topics proposed in the interviews, differences between various front page stories and their relationships with the retail sales became obvious. Reasons appeared why some front pages produce a better, some a worse outcome. In the course of an interview, the chief editor of SLÕhtuleht compared the front page of the newspaper with a packet of corn flakes, which should tempt the reader to open it. Theoreticians also asserted that this tabloid openly and boldly writes about things that interest the readership, regardless of their topicality in society as a whole. The words of the chief editor were confirmed by applying the theory to the front covers analysed and interviews conducted. More emotional and logical front pages resulted in better sales. They attracted the attention of a larger audience and created a personal connection. In addition to this, the betterselling front pages had distinctly clearer and better-defined sentence construction. According to the respondents, SLÕhtuleht, through the Nordic tabloids, resembles British tabloid newspapers. The radically dissimilar sizes of the audiences, however, create some significant differences; the possibilities of an Estonian tabloid newspaper are more limited by the size of the audience. According to Tiit Hennoste, the small size of Estonia does not enable tabloid topics to be properly looked into, as in a small society people are connected to one another. However, the size of the readership of SLÕhtuleht demonstrates the need for such a tabloid newspaper and its strong position in the Estonian journalistic landscape and society.en
dc.identifierMäsak, Grete Kirsti (2009) SL Õhtulehe esikaane sõnumite seos üksikmüügi tulemusega. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.subjectauditoorium (meedia)et
dc.subjectSL Õhtuleht (ajaleht)et
dc.titleSL Õhtulehe esikaane sõnumite seos üksikmüügi tulemusegaet


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