Jalgpalli Frameneti tõlkimine eesti keelde ja jalgpalli tekstikorpuse koostamine
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Kicktionary on mitmekeelne jalgpalli-alane leksikaal-semantiline ressurss, mis põhineb FrameNeti freimisemantikal. Kicktionary pakub freimi semantilist informatsiooni, mis võimaldab kasutajal mõista jalgpalli kirjeldamiseks kasutatud sõnade tähendusi. Töö tule-museks on freimileksikon, mis sisaldab eesti keelde tõlgitud Kicktonary freime. Töö teiseks tulemuseks on jalgpalli tekstikorpus, mis on ka morfoloogiliselt ja süntaktiliselt ühestatud. Käesolev töö on eelduseks, et ühestatud jalgpallitekste saaks koostatud freimidega automaatselt märgendada.
Kicktionary is a multlilingual lexical-semantic resource that is based on FrameNet’s framesemantics. Kicktionary provides frame semantic information that allows users to understand the meanings of words as they are used to describe soccer. The outcome of this work is a frame lexicon that consists of Kicktionary frames, which are translated into Es-tonian. Another product of this work is a corpus of football texts, which is also morphologically and syntactically disambiguated. This work is a prerequisite for automatic annotation of the disambiguated text with the translated frames.
Kicktionary is a multlilingual lexical-semantic resource that is based on FrameNet’s framesemantics. Kicktionary provides frame semantic information that allows users to understand the meanings of words as they are used to describe soccer. The outcome of this work is a frame lexicon that consists of Kicktionary frames, which are translated into Es-tonian. Another product of this work is a corpus of football texts, which is also morphologically and syntactically disambiguated. This work is a prerequisite for automatic annotation of the disambiguated text with the translated frames.