Adaptiivne Metronoom Androidile
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Antud bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli Android platvormile mõeldud Adaptiivse Metronoomi rakenduse loomine. Antud rakendus on suunatud muusikutele, eelkõige trummaritele. See rakendus on uudne selle poolest et ta aitab algajal muusikul metronoomiga harjuda, mängides heli kindla tempoga, parandades seda samaaegselt muusiku mängimise järgi.
The purpose of this thesis was to develop an Adaptive Metronome application for Android platform. The application is intended for musicians, primarily for drummers. The application is innovative because it helps the musician to get used to playing with a metronome, as it plays the metronome sound with the certain tempo, correcting it if necessary.
The purpose of this thesis was to develop an Adaptive Metronome application for Android platform. The application is intended for musicians, primarily for drummers. The application is innovative because it helps the musician to get used to playing with a metronome, as it plays the metronome sound with the certain tempo, correcting it if necessary.