Reklaamid 1992. ja 2007. aastal ajalehes Postimees

dc.contributor.advisorKõuts-Klemm, Ragne, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorAhven, Mari-Liis
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to study, how the advertising messages, necessity emphasis and structure functions have changed in newspaper Postimees after Estonia regained its independence. The year 1992 was selected because first reforms in the society and in journalism were completed after regaining independence and the changes had also evolved advertising. The year 2007 preceded the economic crisis from what we are just emanating. Firstly, the analyis was based on Bachmann’s (2005) conception, in order to find the functions and changes in advertising headlines (main ideas), visual elements and necessity emphasis. Thereafter, it was used Gunther Kress’s and Theo van Leeuwen’s (1996) visual design composition’s signifying system, in order to find advertising elements’ information value, salience and framing categories and how they have changed in 15 years. After analyzing the advertisements from the year 1992 and 2007 it was possible to draw following conclusions of the changes: - In 1992 the main function of the headline was to draw attention, in 2007 the main function was to give information or to direct readers’ attention to the more informative elements. - In 1992 the visual elements had to call attention to the advertisement, whereas in 2007 the visual elements also had to complement the main information or the emotions that were in the advertisement.. - Emphazising practical needs has been replaced by emotional necessities and by the needs for social recognition. - Majority of the analyzed advertisements were stressed horizontally, so that the Ideal information could be Real. The difference between the advertisements in 1992 and 2007 was that in 2007 there were more visual elements and they were located in front- and back plan, but in 1992 there were fewer visual elements and only in front plan. Moreover, it could clearly be concluded that advertising elements’ necessity emphasis have changed together with the consumer society and its’ values. This also has been carried over to advertisements. So the advertising necessity emphasis could have taken these values into account in order to inform and to give a right impact to the readers – in 1992 more practical and in 2007 more emotional information. The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis, to find changes in the advertisements headlines, visual elements functions and structure differences, was achieved. Moreover, it was possible to recognise that the changes in advertising were connected to the consumer culture and economic development. In order to evaluate the development of the advertisements, the future studies should also analyze advertisements in journals and other print advertisements more thoroughly than it was possible in this research.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.titleReklaamid 1992. ja 2007. aastal ajalehes Postimeeset


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