LEGO Mindstorms NXT juhtimine mobiilsete seadmetega
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Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli luua ülevaatlik õppematerjal LEGO Mindstorms NXT roboti juhtimisest mobiilsete seadmetega, täpsemalt Android mobiilsel platvormil seadmetega. Õppematerjali koostamisel on arvestatud, et selle sihtgrupiks on põhi- ja keskkooli õpilased, peamiselt huviringidest, ning õppematerjali eesmärgiks on tõsta LEGO Mindstorms NXT roboti kasutamist koolides, andes robotile rohkem rakendusvõimalusi, kasutades selleks mobiilseid seadmeid, mida enamus õpilasi omab. Töö jaguneb kolmeks osaks.
Esimeses osas tutvustatakse lugejale LEGO Mindstorms NXT robootikakomplekti: antakse täpne ülevaade komplekti kuuluvatest detailidest. Esimese osa teises peatükis viiakse lugeja kurssi mobiilsete seadmete arenguga ja tutvustatakse põhjalikumalt mobiilset platvormi Android ning sellega seonduvaid termineid.
Teine osa hõlmab endas kümne NXT roboti kaugjuhtimiseks mõeldud rakenduse ülevaadet. Rakendused on valitud Google Play’st populaarsuse alusel. Ülevaate andmisel lähtutakse ühest kindlast mallist, mis sisaldab endas informatsiooni rakenduse funktsioonide, paigaldamise ja kasutamise kohta ning samuti leiab sealt selle, mis Android versioonist rakendust toetatud on ja kokkuvõtliku osa, kus käsitletakse rakenduse plusse ja miinuseid ning seda, milliste ülesannete lahendamiseks rakendus sobilik on. Juhendid hõlmavad endas ka kuvatõmmiseid, mis annab lugejale visuaalse ettekujutuse rakendusest.
Kolmas osa koosneb viiest ülesandest, mis on seotud NXT robotiga ning mille lahenduse leidmisel tuleb kasutada teises osas dokumenteeritud rakendusi. Ülesanded annavad suurepärase võimaluse juhendajatele testida rakendusi ning saada tegelik ülevaade sellest, mida kõike on võimalik nendega teha.
Bakalaureusetöö raames õppematerjali loomine oli küll kohati keeruline, kuna raske on keerulisi asju lihtsasti kirja panna, kuid teema oli minu jaoks huvipakkuv ja praktiline osa tööst lisas põnevust.
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to create an educational document that gives a rich review of LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot remote controlling via mobile devices. Chosen mobile platform is Android. This document can be used to teach robotics in basic and high school and the goal is to increase the usage of LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot in classes and even more to find a good function for the mobile devices that every student has. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the LEGO Mindstorms NXT kit: gives an elaborated information of the details in the kit. The second chapter will familiarize the reader about the growth of mobile devices and the importance of them in our lives and also will introduce the Android mobile platform and the main terms of that platform which are used in this thesis. The second part is the main part and includes the reviews of ten Android applications which are used for NXT remote controlling. Applications are chosen from Google Play by popularity. Every review includes an information about the application functionality, installation and usage guideline, Android version requirement and summary where the application advantages and disadvantages are covered. Installation and usage guideline includes screenshots so the reader can have a vision of the application. The third part includes five exercises for the NXT robotics which solutions can be found by using the applications documented in part two. Exercises give an instructor the perfect opportunity to test the applications and get the idea of the area of usage of these application. In conclusion, I can say that preparing the educational material within bachelor thesis was quite complex in some cases, because it is hard to explain difficult things in a simple way, but after all the topic was interesting and the practical part made it more exciting.
The aim of this bachelor thesis was to create an educational document that gives a rich review of LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot remote controlling via mobile devices. Chosen mobile platform is Android. This document can be used to teach robotics in basic and high school and the goal is to increase the usage of LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot in classes and even more to find a good function for the mobile devices that every student has. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part introduces the LEGO Mindstorms NXT kit: gives an elaborated information of the details in the kit. The second chapter will familiarize the reader about the growth of mobile devices and the importance of them in our lives and also will introduce the Android mobile platform and the main terms of that platform which are used in this thesis. The second part is the main part and includes the reviews of ten Android applications which are used for NXT remote controlling. Applications are chosen from Google Play by popularity. Every review includes an information about the application functionality, installation and usage guideline, Android version requirement and summary where the application advantages and disadvantages are covered. Installation and usage guideline includes screenshots so the reader can have a vision of the application. The third part includes five exercises for the NXT robotics which solutions can be found by using the applications documented in part two. Exercises give an instructor the perfect opportunity to test the applications and get the idea of the area of usage of these application. In conclusion, I can say that preparing the educational material within bachelor thesis was quite complex in some cases, because it is hard to explain difficult things in a simple way, but after all the topic was interesting and the practical part made it more exciting.