DEA meetodi rakendamine Kagu-Eesti gümnaasiumide efektiivsuse hindamisel
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Tartu Ülikool
The aim of this Bachelor Thesis is to introduce Data Envelopment Analysis method and to apply it to the secondary schools of Southeastern Estonia. DEA method is a mathematical method that calculates the efficiency by solving linear programming problem. This method is special because it can calculate efficiency of non-profit organizations like hospitals, libraries and administrative units.
This paper consists of four parts. The first part is the introduction of the DEA method. The second part is about choosing the inputs and outputs. DEA method needs different inputs and outputs and to find the best parameters, we contacted the County Governments of the three Southeastern Estonian counties, Põlva, Valga and Võru, which schools we analyzed in the paper. Every county government proposed a different set of inputs and outputs and so we got three sets to use in the DEA method. The fourth set was conducted using the information found in the earlier studies from all over the world. The third part is application of the method to the secondary schools of Southeastern Estonia and the fourth part is results. We analyzed 20 schools.
To apply the method on the sets we used Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer) Program (DEAP) which is a DOS-program from the nineties, but inspite of the age is a very good program. It makes applying the DEA method easy. It only needs two .txt files, which consist of instructions and data. The program has many choices when it comes to the type of DEA. User can pick from output or input oriented method, one-, two- or multistage method, Malmquist or cost DEA.
Results of the analyze depend on the inputs and outputs. With one set there were only three efficient schools and in another there were ten. The mean value of efficiency varied from 0,732 to 0,950. This study can be used by the profesionals to analyze the educational system. The most important part of the analyze is to find the right inputs and outputs to describe the educational system.
DEA meetod, DEAP, gümnaasiumide efektiivsus, Kagu-Eesti gümnaasiumid, bakalaureusetööd