Organisatsioonisisene kommunikatsioon ja töörahulolu (Ehitusmaailma näitel)

dc.contributor.authorRatassepp, Katre
dc.descriptionIn this bachelor thesis author has examined organisational communication in company named Fanaal (in this paper, it has been used the name of it’s trademark – Ehitusmaailm). Ehitusmaailm is Estonian’s leading building materials seller and employer for more then 300 employees. Workforce is important for every company. Because of the changes Ehitusmaailm has been devolved during these last years (new Finnish owner, developing into chain store, trying to be more customer-oriented etc), lots of employees have left. Considering this, well-trained, motivated and satisfied workforce is very important for company’s future progress. Communication plays important role in this. For mutual understanding, trust and cooperation between organisation and its employees sufficient, open and two-way communication must be established. Author has analysed, if the organisational communication is symmetrical or asymmetrical, one-way or two-way; how effective is the organisational newspaper “Infoleht” and if and how are organisational communication and job satisfaction connected in Ehitusmaailm. The main statement of this thesis was that organisational communication in Ehitusmaailm is rather asymmetrical and one-way. For getting acknowledgements, author has conducted a survey about organisational communication, made interviews with marketing and personnel manager and used results of job satisfaction survey, conducted by Ehitusmaailm´s parent company. In analysing company’s internal newspaper, it has been used content-analysis method. The main statement of this thesis has been warranted – organisational communication in Ehitusmaailm is asymmetrical. In the organisational communication research, the lowest were results for characters that are inherent to symmetric two-way communication (feedback, openness, sharing the problems and future plans, asking opinion, crowding-in etc). All of the possibilities the organisational newspaper can offer to inform, join and contribute the employees aren’t been used. There’s not enough general information about organisation and it’s plans, problems and operations. Positing James Grunig´s postulates in which he says that effective organisational communication must be symmetrical and that effective organisational communication affect employee’s satisfaction with organisation (he distinguish individual and organisational satisfaction), author has made some conclusion about connection between communication and satisfaction in Ehitusmaailm. As the research results showed satisfaction with organisation in general is lower then satisfaction with job, superior or department. This can be so because of insufficiency of organisational communication system. People do get enough job-related information, but there’s lack of general organisational information. Not feeling enough informed, involved and appreciated, people are less satisfied with organisation generally than with their job. Putting more attention to symmetrical characteristics of organisational communication, it should have good impact also on organisational satisfaction.
dc.identifierRatassepp, Katre (2002) Organisatsioonisisene kommunikatsioon ja töörahulolu (Ehitusmaailma näitel). Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleOrganisatsioonisisene kommunikatsioon ja töörahulolu (Ehitusmaailma näitel)


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