Embodiment in the Context of the Transmission of Vocal Tradition. School of Traditional Music, Poland

dc.contributor.authorAmbrazevičius, Rytis
dc.contributor.otherSchaper, Anu, koostaja
dc.contributor.otherPärtlas, Žanna, koostaja
dc.descriptionSummary available in Estonian (pp. 92-93)
dc.descriptionOlemas kokkuvõte eesti keeles (lk 92-93)et
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, the experience gained mostly at yearly summer schools of traditional music (primarily at one school in Poland) is reviewed, noting in particular the importance of embodiment in the second link of the transmission chain “native singer – teacher – student”. The main purpose of these workshops is to practise certain traditional vocal techniques and styles, thus actually “embodying Otherness” (Trimillos 2004). The individual experience of the author (working as an instructor) and the reflections of other school participants are considered. A number of points relating to the topic are discussed, including developing a “corporeal vocal memory”, imitation (overt or covert), hermeneutic “lay” instructions, adequate environment as part of a cognitive system, and the proportion of verbal/non-verbal means. The application of these to group training introduces special problems. These include creating a “bioenergetic” group space (related partly to the group geometry), statics and dynamics in embodiment dependent on and manifesting in the song genre, the singers’ individuality, and certain roles of the singers. Special attention is paid to the role of intentional/unintentional gestures in group leading and communication. The rehearsing of one song is presented as an example of the interplay of various aspects of embodiment.
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Regional Development Funden
dc.description.sponsorshipCenter of Excellence for Estonian Studiesen
dc.description.sponsorshipRepublic of Estonia, Ministry of Cultureen
dc.description.sponsorshipEesti Vabariik, Kultuuriministeeriumet
dc.publisherEesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
dc.publisherEesti Muusikateaduse Selts
dc.relation.ispartofRes Musica : Eesti Muusikateaduse Seltsi ja Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduslik aastaraamat
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estoniaen
dc.titleEmbodiment in the Context of the Transmission of Vocal Tradition. School of Traditional Music, Poland
dc.title.alternativeKehastus vokaalse traditsiooni ülekandmise kontekstis. Traditsioonilise muusika suvekool Poolas


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