Venekeelse Aktuaalse Kaamera uudised enne ja pärast formaadimuutust võrdluses eestikeelse Aktuaalse Kaameraga

dc.contributor.advisorUnt, Aune, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorAeltermann, Maarja
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.descriptionThis bachelor’s thesis analysed one week of Aktuaalne Kaamera (19th – 25th January), both in Estonian and in Russian. The analysed news were taken from the only Russian newsbroadcast and from the Estonian main newsbroadcast. I analysed the approach to the themes, possible difference in the focuses (when the themes were coincident) and the usage of the sources. I also analysed the usage of foreign and local correspondence. The second part of this bachelor’s thesis compared the analysises of the seminar paper (3th- 9th November) and the bachelor’s thesis. The main part of the analysis is based on content analysis. For this, I coded all 148 news from the week chosen. I also tested the text analysis method, bringing in five samples from the text to illustrate the results of the content analysis. The text analysis is based on sfive Estonian and five Russian news on the same theme. I also did three semistructured interviews to complement the results of the analysis and the comparison. The results show, that generally the themes in Estonian and Russian news coincide. Basic subjects of the day are in both newsbroadcasts. Differences emerge for example in cultural subjects – Estonian news doesn’t cover Russian culture events. There are also less news in the Estonian AK about social problems. The focuses of the news differ in Estonian and Russian news, when talking about Russia. Usually, news in Estonian are critical, whereas news in Russian neutral. The Russian newsbroadcast does not cover regional themes, except from Ida-Virumaa. The Russian newsbroadcast also does not use foreign correspondents – foreign news are constructed on EBU materials. The biggest reason, why the usage of correspondents is absent, is language. Correspondents do not speak Russian (this goes for foreign and local correspondents). Lately, the situation has improved, there are Russian-speaking correspondents in Pärnu and Russia. It is apparent that in stories, mostly two or three sources are used. Stories with four or more sources are mainly constructed on referendums. Estonian and Russian newsbroadcasts mainly use the same sources, when they cover the same theme. The newsroom has also favourite sources that are used more often. This is caused by the smallness of Estonia and the fewness of experts. The successful future of AK in Russian in channel ETV2 depends on the whole programme of the channel, because the shows preceding and following the news raise the rating of the news programme. ETV2 does not have a complete programme in Russian yet and the viewers have not gotten used to the new channel. Whether ETV2 has proven itself can be analysed after few seasons.en
dc.identifierAeltermann, Maarja (2009) Venekeelse Aktuaalse Kaamera uudised enne ja pärast formaadimuutust võrdluses eestikeelse Aktuaalse Kaameraga. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subject.lcshH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleVenekeelse Aktuaalse Kaamera uudised enne ja pärast formaadimuutust võrdluses eestikeelse Aktuaalse Kaameragaet


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